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microtonal clarinet


7/22/2004 2:18:06 AM

Can anyone offer advice or point me to links or other resources that would
help a good clarinet player with fingerings/techniques for producing the
following scales in preparation for rehearsing a new work? : -

1/1 28/27 16/15 4/3 3/2 14/9 8/5 2/1 (Archytas Enharmonic)

1/1 9/8 7/6 4/3 3/2 14/9 7/4 2/1 (Subminor Tritriadic)

Both have middle C as 1/1.

Many thanks.

🔗monz <>

7/22/2004 3:23:41 AM

--- In, <mopani@t...> wrote:

> Can anyone offer advice or point me to links or other
> resources that would help a good clarinet player with
> fingerings/techniques for producing the following scales
> in preparation for rehearsing a new work? : -
> 1/1 28/27 16/15 4/3 3/2 14/9 8/5 2/1 (Archytas Enharmonic)
> 1/1 9/8 7/6 4/3 3/2 14/9 7/4 2/1 (Subminor Tritriadic)
> Both have middle C as 1/1.
> Many thanks.

i did a thoro search and found a lot of broken links
which all pointed to the same fingering chart, for a
31-tone JI. too bad it's gone ... it probably had
what you need.

the only microtonal chart i know of that is available
now is a quarter-tone chart for the Albert clarinet:

i just found out that 19edo does a pretty good job
of approximating both of these scales.

this might help ... my graphs show exactly which holes
are open and closed for each fingering in the lowest
register of the Boehm clarinet, measured exactly to
scale on the graph.



7/22/2004 5:32:28 AM

on 22/7/04 11:23, monz at wrote:

> --- In, <mopani@t...> wrote:
>> Can anyone offer advice or point me to links or other
>> resources that would help a good clarinet player with
>> fingerings/techniques for producing the following scales
>> in preparation for rehearsing a new work? : -
>> 1/1 28/27 16/15 4/3 3/2 14/9 8/5 2/1 (Archytas Enharmonic)
>> 1/1 9/8 7/6 4/3 3/2 14/9 7/4 2/1 (Subminor Tritriadic)
>> Both have middle C as 1/1.
>> Many thanks.
> i did a thoro search and found a lot of broken links
> which all pointed to the same fingering chart, for a
> 31-tone JI. too bad it's gone ... it probably had
> what you need.
> the only microtonal chart i know of that is available
> now is a quarter-tone chart for the Albert clarinet:
> i just found out that 19edo does a pretty good job
> of approximating both of these scales.
> this might help ... my graphs show exactly which holes
> are open and closed for each fingering in the lowest
> register of the Boehm clarinet, measured exactly to
> scale on the graph.
> -monz
Thanks Monz - I'll pass this on to the clarinet player.

🔗Carl Lumma <>

7/22/2004 9:31:46 AM

>Can anyone offer advice or point me to links or other resources
>that would help a good clarinet player with fingerings/techniques
>for producing the following scales in preparation for rehearsing
>a new work? : -
>1/1 28/27 16/15 4/3 3/2 14/9 8/5 2/1 (Archytas Enharmonic)
>1/1 9/8 7/6 4/3 3/2 14/9 7/4 2/1 (Subminor Tritriadic)
>Both have middle C as 1/1.
>Many thanks.

If memory serves Sam Torrisi is studying microtonal clarinet at
the graduate level. You out there, Sam?


🔗Chris Mohr <>

7/25/2004 6:16:14 AM

I have a Spring 1990 (Vol. 1 No. 4) edition of Pitch
Magazine, which has a lot of microtonal fingerings for
the wind instruments including clarinet. I got it with
the help of Johnny Reinhard a few years ago. Maybe
that would help, if you can get your hands on a copy.
Chris Mohr
--- wrote:
> on 22/7/04 11:23, monz at wrote:
> > --- In, <mopani@t...>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Can anyone offer advice or point me to links or
> other
> >> resources that would help a good clarinet player
> with
> >> fingerings/techniques for producing the following
> scales
> >> in preparation for rehearsing a new work? : -
> >>
> >> 1/1 28/27 16/15 4/3 3/2 14/9 8/5 2/1 (Archytas
> Enharmonic)
> >>
> >> 1/1 9/8 7/6 4/3 3/2 14/9 7/4 2/1 (Subminor
> Tritriadic)
> >>
> >> Both have middle C as 1/1.
> >>
> >> Many thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> > i did a thoro search and found a lot of broken
> links
> > which all pointed to the same fingering chart, for
> a
> > 31-tone JI. too bad it's gone ... it probably had
> > what you need.
> >
> > the only microtonal chart i know of that is
> available
> > now is a quarter-tone chart for the Albert
> clarinet:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > i just found out that 19edo does a pretty good job
> > of approximating both of these scales.
> >
> >
> > this might help ... my graphs show exactly which
> holes
> > are open and closed for each fingering in the
> lowest
> > register of the Boehm clarinet, measured exactly
> to
> > scale on the graph.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -monz
> >
> >
> Thanks Monz - I'll pass this on to the clarinet
> player.

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🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

7/25/2004 8:46:18 AM

--- In, Chris Mohr


<fromtherealmoftheshadow@y...> wrote:
> I have a Spring 1990 (Vol. 1 No. 4) edition of Pitch
> Magazine, which has a lot of microtonal fingerings for
> the wind instruments including clarinet. I got it with
> the help of Johnny Reinhard a few years ago. Maybe
> that would help, if you can get your hands on a copy.
> Chris Mohr

***This is one of the best things for this around. Unfortunately, it
needs editing, since some of the charts are unclear and it isn't as
comprehensive as it might be. But, at least it's a *start* and, as
usual, Johnny Reinhard is the only person doing it!



7/25/2004 9:52:32 AM

on 25/7/04 14:16, Chris Mohr at wrote:

> I have a Spring 1990 (Vol. 1 No. 4) edition of Pitch
> Magazine, which has a lot of microtonal fingerings for
> the wind instruments including clarinet. I got it with
> the help of Johnny Reinhard a few years ago. Maybe
> that would help, if you can get your hands on a copy.
> Chris Mohr

Hi Chris

that would help greatly. If anyone knows how to get a hold of a copy (from
the UK) I'd be indebted. Thanks.