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Microtuner LE for Windows 1.0

🔗victorcerullo <>

8/6/2003 3:55:15 AM

A free utility for Windows called "Microtuner LE" is now available
at the following URL:


This program is essentially a bidirectional cross-conversion
utility between Scala files (.scl), MIDI Tuning Standard (.mid, .syx)
and Microtuner files (.mtx) for the Windows platform.


🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

8/21/2003 9:26:32 PM

--- In, "victorcerullo" <moog@l...> wrote:


> A free utility for Windows called "Microtuner LE" is now available
> at the following URL:
> /16tone
> This program is essentially a bidirectional cross-conversion
> utility between Scala files (.scl), MIDI Tuning Standard
(.mid, .syx)
> and Microtuner files (.mtx) for the Windows platform.
> Regards,
> VC

***It looks to me as though this is a Mac-only utility?? I think
MAX, in general is Mac-only, correct??

J. Pehrson

🔗victorcerullo <>

8/25/2003 12:00:29 AM

Hi Joseph,

Max Magic Microtuner is a Mac program (the word "Max" comes
from its extended compatibility with Max/MSP), while "Microtuner
LE" is its scaled-down Windows version, with no audio features
(at the moment it is just a free mutual conversion utility between
the .mtx, .scl and .mid/.syx MTS file formats). You will find a direct
download link on that page, just above the "Tone Player"
functional diagram; moreover, you can find the whole Scala
archive converted into .mtx format files, zipped for Windows
users, in the "Files" section you can access from the same
page. I'm sorry for any confusion this may have caused.


> /tuning/topicId_46243.html#46243
> > A free utility for Windows called "Microtuner LE" is now
> > at the following URL:
> >
> > /16tone
> >
> > This program is essentially a bidirectional cross-conversion
> > utility between Scala files (.scl), MIDI Tuning Standard
> (.mid, .syx)
> > and Microtuner files (.mtx) for the Windows platform.
> >
> > Regards,
> > VC
> ***It looks to me as though this is a Mac-only utility?? I think
> MAX, in general is Mac-only, correct??
> J. Pehrson

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

8/25/2003 8:38:22 PM

--- In, "victorcerullo" <moog@l...> wrote:


> Hi Joseph,
> Max Magic Microtuner is a Mac program (the word "Max" comes
> from its extended compatibility with Max/MSP), while "Microtuner
> LE" is its scaled-down Windows version, with no audio features
> (at the moment it is just a free mutual conversion utility between
> the .mtx, .scl and .mid/.syx MTS file formats). You will find a
> download link on that page, just above the "Tone Player"
> functional diagram; moreover, you can find the whole Scala
> archive converted into .mtx format files, zipped for Windows
> users, in the "Files" section you can access from the same
> page. I'm sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
> Cheers,
> Victor

***Got it. Too bad MAX with these additional microtonal extensions
isn't available for the Windows folks...

J. Pehrson

🔗victorcerullo <>

8/26/2003 12:44:51 AM

The good news is that Cycling '74 has recently released the
Windows version of Max/MSP. Just check out their homepage:


> ***Got it. Too bad MAX with these additional microtonal
> isn't available for the Windows folks...
> J. Pehrson