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A journey by piano

🔗Lawrence Ball <>

12/5/2001 7:02:48 AM

Dear friends and acquaintances,
please be aware of the following event in New York in January. Those of you
who are not within travelling access of New York could perhaps reccommend it
to your friends who are?
I do hope you can come.
seasonal greetings to all
best wishes
PS apologies to those of you who got this more than once.
It could mean that you're more likely to enjoy the concert than the others!

Planet Tree Music Festival presents:

at 7pm on 9 January at:
Faust-Harrison Pianos - 205 W58th St. (between 7th Avenue and Broadway).
$10 suggested donation

for The Planet Tree Music Festival: a platform in the promotion of
innovation in new music.

Lawrence will play 2 sets of improvised piano pieces, he is a largely tonal
composer/improviser who through his own music and as director of the Planet
Tree Music Festival in London is giving voice to direct and straightforward
expression and upliftment through music.
He has improvised on piano for over 30 years, recording almost 2000 pieces,
and it is the essence of his creative output. At Faust-Harrison on 9 January
Lawrence invites you to share the open process of spontaneous discovery.
His music is, by turns, deeply reflective, very simple, often very
intricate, sometimes highly animated, but comes always from the wish to
express the essential and the transcendent.

His style owes something to many American composers, particularly Terry
Riley's and LaMonte Young's influence over 30 years, he being one of the
first British composers to significantly value their respective musics. To
hear Lawrence play is to be challenged into a deep but active listening to a
calm intensity - the emphasis is on depth and awe rather than on virtuosity.

full biography:

Lawrence Ball is a versatile and innovative composer who has a multiple
focus as a composer,improviser and audio-visual creator. He has collaborated
with healers, therapists and counsellors as well as writing for dance, film,
orchestra,and choir and is as much at home writing a score as creating
electronic or computer music.
He has developed techniques to deeply integrate audio and visual images with
quantum physicist Michael Tusch, collaborating on this since 1993 with Dave
Snowdon who created the software "Visual Harmony" to explore this arena;
worked with healer/counsellor Isobel McGilvray in shaping harmonic
tonescapes to aid relaxation, and has worked with choreographers/dancers
(ex-Sadlers Wells Royal Ballet) Sheila Styles and (ex-Ballet Rambert)
Rebecca Ham on several dance projects. Lawrence Ball has written for the
pianist Yonty Solomon (2 Suites),for The Smith (string) Quartet, the
Electric Symphony Orchestra, the pianist Tim Ravenscroft, the female vocal
quartet Rosy Voices, and 6 pieces for the violist Robin Ireland (of the
Lindsay Quartet). He has recorded almost 2000 piano improvisations as well
as performing many live. Ball's creating in acoustic and electronic media,
in composed and improvised methods is one of the broadest of any composer.
He has performed in Canada, the US, France and Germany as well as in the UK.
He has accompanied the international painting group Collective Phenomena who
work 'more than one to a canvas' with marathon keyboard improvisations, at
John Calder's La Fonderie in Paris and The Blackie in Liverpool, as well as
a Planet Tree Festival appearance. Ball is a pioneer in music, having
addressed meditative and healing presence and state-of-mind, primarily, for
over 20 years. In 1996 he founded the Planet Tree Music Festival, which he
also directs. He is also a highly sought after private tutor in mathematics,
computer programming, physics and music theory. He lives in London.

🔗jpehrson2 <>

12/8/2001 7:35:38 PM

--- In tuning@y..., Lawrence Ball <Lawrenceball@p...> wrote:


> Dear friends and acquaintances,
> please be aware of the following event in New York in January.
Those of you
> who are not within travelling access of New York could perhaps
reccommend it
> to your friends who are?
> I do hope you can come.
> seasonal greetings to all
> best wishes
> Lawrence

Thanks for the concert notice, but I was wondering if there was
anything "alternate tuning-ey" about the concert. Perhaps the pianos
are tuned differently?? I don't believe it was mentioned...

good luck with it.

J. Pehrson