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microtonal articles on Webzine


10/10/2001 6:57:16 PM

The New Music Connoisseur Webzine (an addition to the print mag) now
has two recent articles related to microtonality:

1) My recent article on the Claremont Microfest


2) A review by Russian reviewer Victoria Andreyeva (translated,
fortuantely) of my concert at the DOM performance space in Moscow
last March, which included several microtonal works:

It's all in the right "frame" as you will see if you go there:


________ _______ _______ ______
Joseph Pehrson

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <>

10/11/2001 5:05:05 AM

[Joseph Pehrson wrote:]
>The New Music Connoisseur Webzine (an addition to the print mag) now
>has two recent articles related to microtonality:

>1) My recent article on the Claremont Microfest


>2) A review by Russian reviewer Victoria Andreyeva (translated,
>fortunately) of my concert at the DOM performance space in Moscow
>last March, which included several microtonal works:

>It's all in the right "frame" as you will see if you go there:



I _hate_ frames!!! I looked for you on that site, but came up
completely empty. Even the Composer Index fails to mention your name.
Could you give more complete instructions for how to navigate to these
articles? Thanks!

Hold on... here's the article by Victoria Andreyeva (current issue,
right frame, just a couple of inches from the top). Ooo, she definitely
likes you! "Let us hope that this visit of the composer to Moscow will
not be his last." Is there anything you want to tell us, Joseph? ;->

Still can't find the other article you cite. What is one supposed to
make of entries like "IN THIS ISSUE + CONTRIBUTOR BIOS, 3" and
"CONGRATULATIONS TO . . . , 3", which have no links associated with
them? Is this web site flakey, or is it my (brand new) PC?



10/11/2001 6:17:19 AM

--- In tuning@y..., "John A. deLaubenfels" <jdl@a...> wrote:


> >

> >Enjoy!
> I _hate_ frames!!! I looked for you on that site, but came up
> completely empty. Even the Composer Index fails to mention your
name. Could you give more complete instructions for how to navigate
to these articles? Thanks!
> Hold on... here's the article by Victoria Andreyeva (current issue,
> right frame, just a couple of inches from the top). Ooo, she
definitely likes you! "Let us hope that this visit of the composer
to Moscow will not be his last." Is there anything you want to tell
us, Joseph? ;->
> Still can't find the other article you cite. What is one supposed
to make of entries like "IN THIS ISSUE + CONTRIBUTOR BIOS, 3" and
> "CONGRATULATIONS TO . . . , 3", which have no links associated with
> them? Is this web site flakey, or is it my (brand new) PC?
> JdL

Hello John!

Well, I see you've discovered the "frames!" :)

Actually, I also hate the frames. I think the gentleman who set this
page up wanted to show his Internet prowess and ended up, instead,
by "framing" everyone. If there *has* to be a frame, it should only
be a left hand index one, in *my* opinion.

Regarding the site, everything of mine is over on the right hand
frame under "Web Extras" in the indented paragraph. Both articles
look like they are the same link, which also doesn't help much!

I will forward your commentary on to the editor of the magazine,
since I happen to agree with it!

Of course, I've mentioned these things before and not much has

Thanks for reading the articles....


_________ _______ _______
Joseph Pehrson


10/11/2001 8:11:24 AM

Congratulations, Joseph!!!

--- In tuning@y..., jpehrson@r... wrote:
> The New Music Connoisseur Webzine (an addition to the print mag)
> has two recent articles related to microtonality:
> 1) My recent article on the Claremont Microfest
> and
> 2) A review by Russian reviewer Victoria Andreyeva (translated,
> fortuantely) of my concert at the DOM performance space in Moscow
> last March, which included several microtonal works:
> It's all in the right "frame" as you will see if you go there:
> Enjoy!
> ________ _______ _______ ______
> Joseph Pehrson


10/11/2001 8:30:30 AM

--- In tuning@y..., BobWendell@t... wrote:


> Congratulations, Joseph!!!

Thanks, Bob! I just left a message with the editor to separate the
two links on the right-hand "frame." There are actually *two*
articles there...

Thanks for reading!

_________ _________ _______
Joseph Pehrson

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <>

10/11/2001 10:11:04 AM

[Joseph Pehrson wrote:]
>Regarding the site, everything of mine is over on the right hand
>frame under "Web Extras" in the indented paragraph. Both articles
>look like they are the same link, which also doesn't help much!

Oh, right!! They're all run together, but actually represent two
separate links. Got it.