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The three chords

🔗Haresh BAKSHI <>

7/31/2001 5:05:20 AM

Hello all,

"Country music is three chords and the truth."
- Harlan Howard.

Can someone tell me which three, please?

Thanks in advance,


7/31/2001 5:16:01 AM

--- In tuning@y..., "Haresh BAKSHI" <hareshbakshi@h...> wrote:


> Hello all,
> "Country music is three chords and the truth."
> - Harlan Howard.
> Can someone tell me which three, please?
> Thanks in advance,
> Haresh.

Are you serious, Haresh?? Well, of course they are the "backbone" of
our Western music, our I, IV, V chords (in the key of C, obviously,
C, F and G)

Several rock and pop musicians have discovered those too, but,
occasionally they vary things by modulating in a "modal" way... say
I, bVII or from C major to Bb major, etc., etc...

_______ _______ _______
Joseph Pehrson

🔗Haresh BAKSHI <>

7/31/2001 5:28:53 AM

--- In tuning@y..., jpehrson@r... wrote:
> --- In tuning@y..., "Haresh BAKSHI" <hareshbakshi@h...> wrote:

> > Can someone tell me which three, please?
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Haresh.
> Are you serious, Haresh?? Well, of course they are the "backbone"
of our Western music, our I, IV, V chords (in the key of C,
obviously, C, F and G)>
> Several rock and pop musicians have discovered those too, but,
> occasionally they vary things by modulating in a "modal" way... say
> I, bVII or from C major to Bb major, etc., etc...
> > Joseph Pehrson >>>>

Thanks Joseph, for the prompt response. Have you ever felt a sense
of doubt and uncertainty about something which you have known for
years? Well, that is what happened to me when I was writing about
the similarity between Country music and some Indian Folk music, this
morning. You have cleared my doubt.
