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🔗Sarn Richard Ursell <>

3/1/2001 3:59:33 AM

"Joseph Pehrson" said:

Subject: [tuning] Yrab gnielpmas, what else?

--- In, Sarn Richard Ursell <thcdelta@i...> wrote:

Also, in the back of my mind, I have plans for experimentation on
n^2 sampling, or yranib gnielpmas,

Yranib gnielpmas (??) Are these really words, or are my eyes going
dyslexic (??)

Sarn says:

Sorry to keep you all in suspence, but I couldn;t resist this one.

I wanted to make a sampler which was based not on samples, with a sampling
depth of the sum of a power series of 2^n multiplied by zero or one, but
rather n^2.

There is a funny little going on with this, and that the ratios of sucessive
terms of this reverse binary sereis not only change, but do converge towards

I have written in my diary-website-email-collection-best-of-to-be
experiments with the concepts of adding and multiplying of binary, and
yranib, and alto there is a nice snug pattern of addition, multiplication,
exponents, and I assumme superpower of binary numbers, as in sums, and
carry, and the like, I cannot, for the life of me see a pattern in yranib

I would dearly love to find a general, algortihmical procedure for adding,
and multiplying yranib numbers, and their digital places are:

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100...n^2.

The really bizarre thing about these numbers, is that, unlike binary, they
can be displayed, and written more than one way, as like the number 17:

1001, and also 12.

I had wanted to find what the "HOLES" in the system of sums of ALL
combinations of yranib were, and I assumme that a formally programmed
computer, would have us store in the memory, yranib values, and add
combinations of these, and find the closest we can get to the sampling depth

Using and allowing ONLY multiplication of zero and one, we cannot make the
number eight in yranib, for example.

Alltho this may seem like sheer fantasy, I feel that applying the best fit,
or the second and third best fit from a reverse binary system, would at
least, impart some sort of weird wave-like timbre on sampling.

I feel this may even be a good effect,-at worst distortion, at best
something like a vocorder.

Any thoughts?


3/1/2001 7:14:30 AM

--- In tuning@y..., Sarn Richard Ursell <thcdelta@i...> wrote:


> "Joseph Pehrson" said:
> Yranib gnielpmas (??) Are these really words, or are my eyes going
> dyslexic (??)
> I would dearly love to find a general, algortihmical procedure for
adding,and multiplying yranib numbers, and their digital places are:
> 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100...n^2.
> The really bizarre thing about these numbers, is that, unlike
binary, they can be displayed, and written more than one way, as like
the number 17:
> 1001, and also 12.

Thanks so much, Sarn, for responding to this message. Gee... that
*WAS* some time ago! I guess I should have figured out that "yranib"
meant some kind of "reverse binary" system, but the lightening didn't
strike this time...

__________ ______ _____ _
Joseph Pehrson