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🔗Stan Hoffman <stanhoffman@...>

3/25/2003 5:37:10 AM

What are folks using for tuning instruments? I need something with more
accuracy than the general guitar/chromatic tuners. I've been looking at the
Peterson strobe tuners. Others have recommended frequency counters. Would be
grateful for recommendations and information. Thanks,



3/25/2003 3:58:50 PM

> What are folks using for tuning instruments? I need something with
> more accuracy than the general guitar/chromatic tuners. I've been
> looking at the Peterson strobe tuners. Others have recommended
> frequency counters. Would be grateful for recommendations and
> information. Thanks,
> Stan

I use a Sanderson Accu-Tuner, SAT II available from Inventronics in
Lowell MA. But it's expensive and has a lot of features special to
the needs of piano tuners (which I am). The Petersons seem to do OK
for people I know, some of them picky engineers.


🔗Alison Monteith <alison.monteith3@...>

3/26/2003 2:15:24 AM

on 25/3/03 1:37 pm, Stan Hoffman at stanhoffman@... wrote:

What are folks using for tuning instruments? I need something with more
accuracy than the general guitar/chromatic tuners. I've been looking at the
Peterson strobe tuners. Others have recommended frequency counters. Would be
grateful for recommendations and information. Thanks,


I use the Peterson Virtual Strobe which is excellent in all respects. Have a
look at their website for full details.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

🔗Joseph Pehrson <jpehrson@...>

3/26/2003 12:14:30 PM

--- In, Stan Hoffman


<stanhoffman@m...> wrote:
> What are folks using for tuning instruments? I need something with
> accuracy than the general guitar/chromatic tuners. I've been
looking at the
> Peterson strobe tuners. Others have recommended frequency counters.
Would be
> grateful for recommendations and information. Thanks,
> Stan

***Hi Stan,

This is another one that I would recommend you post to the *main*
tuning list. There are several professional piano tuners over there,
and this has been a topic of discussion over there in the past...
Just before you make a final decision...


Joe Pehrson