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My no-scale JI sequencer

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/1/2006 11:56:47 AM

I wrote a program that sequences JI, with a common set of intervals
that follow the mouse; if you hit T while one of these intervals is
up, that interval becomes 1/1 and the other notes change to show their
relationship to it. So it is possible to sequence a melody or
modulate or borrow chords from other tonalities without doing

The program runs in the Pure Data programming environment. The
simplest way to set it up is to download pd-extended from

My sequencer program:

You have to start Pure Data (PD-extended) and make sure your audio is
set up, then open "JI.pd" from my folder. Some instructions are
below. I used this program to write the JI sonata at

PLEASE let me know if this doesn't work for you (what platform are you
using?) or if the instructions or the program are too confusing, and
help me get the process figured out. Toby Twining is going to give me
some lessons as independent study this semester, and I'm offering him
this program. Since all the necessary files are under open license,
I'm hoping to soon package the whole thing as one zip file.
Also, I wrote up these instructions for the Pure Data list, so if
there is terminology you don't follow, I'll change it...




The patch to open is JI.pd. This should open a control window and a
blank score.
The 8 "JIvoice" abstractions in the main control window are the
instruments. Each has a different color, since they are all on the
same spread. The numberbox next to each JIvoice is for assigning MIDI
program numbers to colors. The vertical radio buttons are for
selecting which voice to add to the score. The colored toggles right
next to the JIvoice abstractions were to be for muting, but this
hasn't yet been implemented. Underneath the JIvoice boxes is a
horizontal radio with three options. MIDI turns off all audio
processing and sends pitch bends, program changes, and notes to MIDI
out; this won't work with any softsynths I know, because each note is
sent to a different channel. It will only work with samplers or
soundfonts. By default, PD output is turned on, and audio is on.
This will generate audio according to the parameters for each voice:
click on a JIvoice to see the parameters. The only thing I'll say
about this window is that the FOF parameters at the bottom are only
set up for MIDI control as of now; changing the numbers manually won't
work. The only other thing I'll say is that the preset system has
been getting jiggy with it... use caution if you use presets. They
are saved in the .prs file with the same name as the .ji file for each

To open a piece, click on the symbol box under "Filename" in the upper
right. Type in, for instance, "sonata04rondo" and hit enter, then
click the "load" messagebox. You should see the score for the 4th
movement of my JI sonata. Next click on the gray and purple JIvoice
boxes in turn, and play with some of the parameters. Just make sure
there is some kind of waveform in the box. Click the PLAY toggle in
either the main window or a JIvoice panel. Music.


The buttons should be self-explanatory. To record to an audio file,
select wave or AIFF under the RECORD button. Type the name for the
output file, hit enter, and hit RECORD/STOP once. The num2 GUIs in
the middle of the main window show the time in minutes and seconds for
PLAY, but not for RECORD
The transport can be controlled with the keyboard. Control-I starts
playback, and "I" alone stops it. Control-PageUp moves the playback
cursor back one quarter-note, and Ctl-PageDown moves it forward one
quarter note. Clt-Home moves the playback cursor to the beginning.
Under Windows, Ctl-Help and Ctl-Delete move the cursor forward and
back by 4 quarter notes at a time.


This is the main reason for this patch to exist. With the main window
active, switch to the score window. This should enable the mouse
The important keys to know:

Q: prepares the mouse cursor to enter notes. You should see a black
preview note jump to the mouse when you hit Q, and it cycles through
common note ratios when you move the mouse. If you now click the
mouse, you create a note.

E: disables note entry so it's safe to click on the score, and sets
the score window to edit mode. You can now select wrong notes and
delete them, or whatever.

Ex2: hitting E again returns from edit mode, but does not prepare the
score for editing. This way, you can drag on the right end of a note
line and change the duration. Hit Q again to enter more notes.

1-0: the number keys change the duration of the preview note.

Shift+1-8: Shift and numbers 1-8 changes the voice to be entered, as
well as the color of the preview note.

T: the most important one of all. This causes the entire score to
transpose to the key of the preview note; whatever ratio is showing by
the mouse cursor will become 1/1 and the whole score changes to
reflect the new DO (not an abbreviation... DO as in "a female deer").

G: also important. If you accidentally hit T without looking, or go
through a series of changes and lose track of the original key, G will
return the entire score to 1/1 = Middle C.

Y and H: Y and H change the volume of the note to be added. You will
see the small vertical block on the preview note increase or decrease.

, and . OR < and >: these change the rhythmic quantizing of the
preview note placement. < snaps to 1/6 of a quarter note, and > snaps
to 1/4 of a quarter note.

All of the score editing is enabled by the toxy external. So have it.


This only works from the main window. To the right and just down from
the main Volume, select the number of measures to add, and underneat
that, select the time signature. Hit the button to the right of the
number-of-measures-to-add to add them. Hit Clear if you want to
remove all of them. Changing existing measures is a biaiaitch at this
point. Not sure how to fix it.


The 'Add Breakpoint' button will insert a tempo marker with the
current value wherever the playback cursor is. It will be relative to
whatever note value you select to the right, but this will not be
visible in the score. Also, only exponential tempo currently works.
I came up with a solution to make the tempo change exponentially, and
never got around to reconnecting the linear tempo change. "Ignore
Tempos" will playback a score at whatever speed you select, instead of
what the markers say.


Open pd mixer if you like, it's hiding to the right of the Tempo
section of the main window.


There are many other features that I created and don't use much
anymore, or just aren't as essential. Experiment, but save your stuff
if you come up with anything you like. The save feature won't ask
about overwriting, so make sure you type a new name for each file
before saving. The zoom has worked and not worked correctly at
various stages; everything I added after the zoom had to incorporate a
sort of "zoom cosmological constant" called "zoomfact", and I can't
guarantee I put it everywhere it should be. The "EDIT THE SCORE"
section is pretty much replaced by mouse editing. It still works; it
highlights individual notes in red... but sometimes leaves them red.
That whole section is scary.
The selecting/copy/paste/move/transpose section is also scary, but a
little more reliable. It reads the location of the playback cursor
and selects what's between the Start and End spots. This "transpose"
function actually changes the heights and pitches of the selected
notes, instead of just the ratio names.


The worst thing you can do is edit the patch itself and save it while
a score is open. The preset memory function stores the entire
waveform for each preset added in memory, and if you save the patch it
will grow in size giamongously. If this happens, edit JI.pd in a text
editor and remove everything between "canvas .... presetmemory" and
"restore .... presetmemory", and between "canvas ..... score" and
"restore ..... score". If you edit the patch itself, I suggest
closing it using the "Close" messagebox to the right of the Zoom
function. This clears the presets and score, and saves and closes the


You may not become a millionaire off of my JI scoring idea and not
split it with me. Pretty much anything else is okay. Unless you're
already a millionaire, in which case you must pay me to write music.

🔗Rozencrantz the Sane <rozencrantz@...>

9/1/2006 11:39:50 PM


I downloaded the patch and got it set up, but pressing Q doesn't seem
to do anything. I'm using Windows (I'm sorry) and there is just
nothing under the mouse no matter what I press, and the ratio always
stays at 0/0. I can send a screenshot if you like.

On 9/1/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> I wrote a program that sequences JI, with a common set of intervals
> that follow the mouse; if you hit T while one of these intervals is
> up, that interval becomes 1/1 and the other notes change to show their
> relationship to it. So it is possible to sequence a melody or
> modulate or borrow chords from other tonalities without doing
> multiplication.

The Four Principles of Anarchism:
1) Reason
2) Mutual Aid
3) Voluntary Association

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/2/2006 12:53:21 AM

Ach, something is wrong with the pd-extended distribution. I'm
bugging those people about it now.

I was hoping to avoid these instructions, but it's not too bad. For

Download the top version of Pure Data (0.39.2) from:

Remove the previous Pure Data and install the new one.
After installing, download these files and put them in the "Extra"
folder inside the new "pd" folder:

THEN, start Pure Data, and under the File menu, select "Startup".
In the long bottom line, type:
-lib cyclone -lib tot -lib zexy
just like that. NOW, if you close and restart Pure Data, my JI
sequencer should work correctly.

I'm really sorry about this. PD-extended exists so people don't have
to manually load those external files. I tested it, and it's not
just my patch that isn't working right with it.

Thanks for letting me know about the problem.


--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> Chuckk,
> I downloaded the patch and got it set up, but pressing Q doesn't
> to do anything. I'm using Windows (I'm sorry) and there is just
> nothing under the mouse no matter what I press, and the ratio always
> stays at 0/0. I can send a screenshot if you like.
> On 9/1/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> > I wrote a program that sequences JI, with a common set of
> > that follow the mouse; if you hit T while one of these intervals
> > up, that interval becomes 1/1 and the other notes change to show
> > relationship to it. So it is possible to sequence a melody or
> > modulate or borrow chords from other tonalities without doing
> > multiplication.
> The Four Principles of Anarchism:
> 1) Reason
> 2) Mutual Aid
> 3) Voluntary Association
> 4)Consensus

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/2/2006 12:58:49 AM

I also forgot to mention that, after opening my sequencer, you have
to first click on the main window, then click back on the score, then
Q will work.

--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> Chuckk,
> I downloaded the patch and got it set up, but pressing Q doesn't
> to do anything. I'm using Windows (I'm sorry) and there is just
> nothing under the mouse no matter what I press, and the ratio always
> stays at 0/0. I can send a screenshot if you like.
> On 9/1/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> > I wrote a program that sequences JI, with a common set of
> > that follow the mouse; if you hit T while one of these intervals
> > up, that interval becomes 1/1 and the other notes change to show
> > relationship to it. So it is possible to sequence a melody or
> > modulate or borrow chords from other tonalities without doing
> > multiplication.
> The Four Principles of Anarchism:
> 1) Reason
> 2) Mutual Aid
> 3) Voluntary Association
> 4)Consensus

🔗Rozencrantz the Sane <rozencrantz@...>

9/2/2006 1:28:31 AM

Ok, I have it working now. This is a great tool, I'll try to have a
sample up soon.

On 9/2/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> I also forgot to mention that, after opening my sequencer, you have
> to first click on the main window, then click back on the score, then
> Q will work.

The Four Principles of Anarchism:
1) Reason
2) Mutual Aid
3) Voluntary Association

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/2/2006 5:53:22 AM

Awesome, please do.
I found the first movement of my JI Sonata, which I didn't include in
the zip file:

The audio file:


--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> Ok, I have it working now. This is a great tool, I'll try to have a
> sample up soon.
> On 9/2/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> > I also forgot to mention that, after opening my sequencer, you
> > to first click on the main window, then click back on the score,
> > Q will work.
> The Four Principles of Anarchism:
> 1) Reason
> 2) Mutual Aid
> 3) Voluntary Association
> 4)Consensus

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/3/2006 3:35:48 PM

I figured out how to package it all as one installable program, for
Windows XP.

is the setup file.
It installs to C:\\Program Files\JIsequencer. To run it from
explorer, double-click JI.bat in the JIsequencer folder.

Feel free to email or post with any problems.


--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> Chuckk,
> I downloaded the patch and got it set up, but pressing Q doesn't
> to do anything. I'm using Windows (I'm sorry) and there is just
> nothing under the mouse no matter what I press, and the ratio always
> stays at 0/0. I can send a screenshot if you like.
> On 9/1/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> > I wrote a program that sequences JI, with a common set of
> > that follow the mouse; if you hit T while one of these intervals
> > up, that interval becomes 1/1 and the other notes change to show
> > relationship to it. So it is possible to sequence a melody or
> > modulate or borrow chords from other tonalities without doing
> > multiplication.
> The Four Principles of Anarchism:
> 1) Reason
> 2) Mutual Aid
> 3) Voluntary Association
> 4)Consensus

🔗Rozencrantz the Sane <rozencrantz@...>

9/3/2006 5:04:51 PM

How hard would it be to add 13s? Is it a patch I could make myself?

Just an interesting note, I was doing some voice-leading experiments,
modulating all over the place, and after only a few measures I
returned to G to find that I went up to 140,000. Is that typical of JI
modulation? I can imagine it would sound really strange to someone
with perfect pitch.

On 9/3/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> I figured out how to package it all as one installable program, for
> Windows XP.
> is the setup file.
> It installs to C:\\Program Files\JIsequencer. To run it from
> explorer, double-click JI.bat in the JIsequencer folder.
> Feel free to email or post with any problems.
> -Chuckk

The Four Principles of Anarchism:
1) Reason
2) Mutual Aid
3) Voluntary Association

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/3/2006 10:45:56 PM

It wouldn't be too hard. If you are interested in Pure Data, you
could probably manage it. I could give it a try.
Each octave has a 240-pixel vertical resolution. It would be
possible to extend this, but you would see less of the range at any
one time, obviously. I have it set up to find the closest of my
intervals to the mouse cursor, but if it were set up to just divide
those 240 pixels by how many total intervals were available, you
could conceivably have 240 default ratios. 120 would be much much
easier to use, mouse-wise. I forget exactly how many I used.

It is possible now to enter arbitrary ratios, using the manual entry
on the main window. It's a little more time-consuming. Modulating
by those ratios is a different question.

If you click on the "Entry" box under "CREATE NOTES", you can enter
numbers, and if you then hit tab, the blue dot jumps to 5 different
boxes with note info. When you hit enter, the number you've entered
is inserted in whichever box has the blue dot. I did this because
Pure Data doesn't normally support tabbing between entry fields. To
actually add this note, hit + on the number pad.

I just looked, and the system I used to put the default ratios in
place was pretty roundabout. Is there a set of specific 13-limit
ratios that would be sufficient?
and their recipricols be good enough?

--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> How hard would it be to add 13s? Is it a patch I could make myself?
> Just an interesting note, I was doing some voice-leading
> modulating all over the place, and after only a few measures I
> returned to G to find that I went up to 140,000. Is that typical of
> modulation? I can imagine it would sound really strange to someone
> with perfect pitch.
> On 9/3/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> > I figured out how to package it all as one installable program,
> > Windows XP.
> >
> >
> >
> > is the setup file.
> > It installs to C:\\Program Files\JIsequencer. To run it from
> > explorer, double-click JI.bat in the JIsequencer folder.
> >
> > Feel free to email or post with any problems.
> >
> > -Chuckk
> The Four Principles of Anarchism:
> 1) Reason
> 2) Mutual Aid
> 3) Voluntary Association
> 4)Consensus

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/3/2006 10:52:50 PM

About the modulation thing, I have noticed some crazy stuff when
modulating a lot in one direction by the same primes. I think this
comes from Pure Data using 32-bit decimal numbers. Beyond a million or
so, numbers get rounded, and returning to 1/1 doesn't work. I bugged
the Pure Data people about it, but didn't quite understand their
answers, lol.

Maybe I could work out a way to have two numbers represent each
numerator and each denominator, so that if you went over a million it
would show something like:
instead of

If you lost a really cool progression over it, I can take a look and
see if I can retrieve it.

🔗Rozencrantz the Sane <rozencrantz@...>

9/3/2006 11:37:54 PM

On 9/3/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> I just looked, and the system I used to put the default ratios in
> place was pretty roundabout. Is there a set of specific 13-limit
> ratios that would be sufficient?
> Would
> 13/8
> 13/12
> 13/10
> 13/7
> 13/9
> 13/11
> and their recipricols be good enough?

I'd like to fill out the whole 1-13 Lambdoma (is that the right word?
All numbers as numerator and denominator). I think those 12 will do
it, though. I'll try the trick you suggested until (if) you work those

Also, I don't know if anyone else finds this useful, but I put
together this reference graphic and it's been a big help to me:

The Four Principles of Anarchism:
1) Reason
2) Mutual Aid
3) Voluntary Association

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/4/2006 7:44:52 AM

--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> On 9/3/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> > I just looked, and the system I used to put the default ratios in
> > place was pretty roundabout. Is there a set of specific 13-limit
> > ratios that would be sufficient?
> > Would
> > 13/8
> > 13/12
> > 13/10
> > 13/7
> > 13/9
> > 13/11
> > and their recipricols be good enough?
> I'd like to fill out the whole 1-13 Lambdoma (is that the right
> All numbers as numerator and denominator). I think those 12 will do
> it, though. I'll try the trick you suggested until (if) you work
> in.

What about a switch, between the current ratios, and another set that
might actually trade some of those ratios for 13-limit ratios? A
piece could easily mix the two sets. A module to include
customizable sets would be possible, but a whole other project.
I'd also have to check on the ratio-simplifying machine (heh), since
it removes any common primes from numerator and denominator, but only
up to 11, so, e.g., if you ended up with 39/26 it might not see it as

> Also, I don't know if anyone else finds this useful, but I put
> together this reference graphic and it's been a big help to me:

Cool. I got pretty good at doing this in my head from using my
program. This is just the sort of thing it's meant to help with. I
like to mix in notes that aren't directly derived from the same
tonality, so at times it's hard to tell what chord I'm using.

Have you been using the "add measures" function? It makes the rhythm
far easier to see.
I also mentioned the mixer briefly before, but I left out that this
is the only way to control relative volume between the voices. ALSO,
in the voice modules, you can actually draw waveforms. The preset
function actually stores the waveforms, not just the info about them,
so it will remember anything you draw in the wave. Sometimes it's
hard to use, but it is a way to store sounds. When you save a patch,
it saves the presets. When you load a patch, you can assign the
presets to the voices by first selecting a voice (with the vertical
row of buttons) and then selecting a preset under "preset assignment"
in the main window. I don't know any way to name the presets though.

A little info on the "Selection" section under the main volume
To select a section, use Ctl-PgDown and Ctl-PgUp to position the
playback cursor at the beginning of the section you want to select,
and hit "Start" under "Selection". Then position the cursor at the
end and hit "End". Then hit "Select" and all those notes should be
selected. If you have notes close together, some might get missed.
If so, you can hold SHIFT and select them with the mouse in the
score. Be careful not to select barlines or octave marker lines.

If you hit "Copy", it stores these notes in memory. Hit "Paste"
immediately, and it will paste a new copy over the old ones. Move
the playback cursor to the beginning of the new location for the
pasted notes and hit "Move" to put them in the right spot.

Alternatively, you can transpose a passage by selecting it, entering
a ratio in the boxes under "Multiply by", and hitting the button to
the right. Careful, though, this will apply to the section marked
by "Start" and "End" with the playback cursor, NOT whatever is
currently selected. If you select a section, copy and paste it, and
move it to a new location, and you want to transpose the new copy,
you have to reselect the new spot or it will apply the transposition
to the measures you selected first.


> The Four Principles of Anarchism:
> 1) Reason
> 2) Mutual Aid
> 3) Voluntary Association
> 4)Consensus

🔗Rozencrantz the Sane <rozencrantz@...>

9/4/2006 1:13:03 PM

On 9/4/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:

> What about a switch, between the current ratios, and another set that
> might actually trade some of those ratios for 13-limit ratios? A
> piece could easily mix the two sets.

That would be cool. I find that I never use the higher order
intervals, just the first-order ones in the chart. If I need a
higher-order interval like 81/64, I'll just use the transposer.

> in the voice modules, you can actually draw waveforms. The preset
> function actually stores the waveforms, not just the info about them,
> so it will remember anything you draw in the wave. Sometimes it's
> hard to use, but it is a way to store sounds. When you save a patch,
> it saves the presets. When you load a patch, you can assign the
> presets to the voices by first selecting a voice (with the vertical
> row of buttons) and then selecting a preset under "preset assignment"
> in the main window. I don't know any way to name the presets though.

That's handy. I've just been using my trusty Creative SB Live, but if
I could have not-ugly timbres, that could change the entire way I
write music.

> A little info on the "Selection" section under the main volume
> control:
> To select a section, use Ctl-PgDown and Ctl-PgUp to position the
> playback cursor at the beginning of the section you want to select,
> and hit "Start" under "Selection". Then position the cursor at the
> end and hit "End". Then hit "Select" and all those notes should be
> selected. If you have notes close together, some might get missed.
> If so, you can hold SHIFT and select them with the mouse in the
> score. Be careful not to select barlines or octave marker lines.
> If you hit "Copy", it stores these notes in memory. Hit "Paste"
> immediately, and it will paste a new copy over the old ones. Move
> the playback cursor to the beginning of the new location for the
> pasted notes and hit "Move" to put them in the right spot.

Nice. That will make canons a lot easier.

The Four Principles of Anarchism:
1) Reason
2) Mutual Aid
3) Voluntary Association

🔗Cody Hallenbeck <codyhallenbeck@...>

9/4/2006 5:45:07 PM

Wow! This is a cool tool. I fooled around with it last night. The overall
interface (height based selection of intervals, with transpose function) is
really intuitive. I'm still getting the hang of it, and sometimes it seems
like there are glitches, but this is a really great effort! I'll post some
music when I finish writing something semi-decent with it. Thanks a lot!

On 9/1/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> I wrote a program that sequences JI, with a common set of intervals
> that follow the mouse; if you hit T while one of these intervals is
> up, that interval becomes 1/1 and the other notes change to show their
> relationship to it. So it is possible to sequence a melody or
> modulate or borrow chords from other tonalities without doing
> multiplication.
> The program runs in the Pure Data programming environment. The
> simplest way to set it up is to download pd-extended from
> My sequencer program:
> You have to start Pure Data (PD-extended) and make sure your audio is
> set up, then open "JI.pd" from my folder. Some instructions are
> below. I used this program to write the JI sonata at
> PLEASE let me know if this doesn't work for you (what platform are you
> using?) or if the instructions or the program are too confusing, and
> help me get the process figured out. Toby Twining is going to give me
> some lessons as independent study this semester, and I'm offering him
> this program. Since all the necessary files are under open license,
> I'm hoping to soon package the whole thing as one zip file.
> Also, I wrote up these instructions for the Pure Data list, so if
> there is terminology you don't follow, I'll change it...
> Thanks!
> -Chuckk
> Instructions:
> The patch to open is JI.pd. This should open a control window and a
> blank score.
> The 8 "JIvoice" abstractions in the main control window are the
> instruments. Each has a different color, since they are all on the
> same spread. The numberbox next to each JIvoice is for assigning MIDI
> program numbers to colors. The vertical radio buttons are for
> selecting which voice to add to the score. The colored toggles right
> next to the JIvoice abstractions were to be for muting, but this
> hasn't yet been implemented. Underneath the JIvoice boxes is a
> horizontal radio with three options. MIDI turns off all audio
> processing and sends pitch bends, program changes, and notes to MIDI
> out; this won't work with any softsynths I know, because each note is
> sent to a different channel. It will only work with samplers or
> soundfonts. By default, PD output is turned on, and audio is on.
> This will generate audio according to the parameters for each voice:
> click on a JIvoice to see the parameters. The only thing I'll say
> about this window is that the FOF parameters at the bottom are only
> set up for MIDI control as of now; changing the numbers manually won't
> work. The only other thing I'll say is that the preset system has
> been getting jiggy with it... use caution if you use presets. They
> are saved in the .prs file with the same name as the .ji file for each
> score.
> To open a piece, click on the symbol box under "Filename" in the upper
> right. Type in, for instance, "sonata04rondo" and hit enter, then
> click the "load" messagebox. You should see the score for the 4th
> movement of my JI sonata. Next click on the gray and purple JIvoice
> boxes in turn, and play with some of the parameters. Just make sure
> there is some kind of waveform in the box. Click the PLAY toggle in
> either the main window or a JIvoice panel. Music.
> The buttons should be self-explanatory. To record to an audio file,
> select wave or AIFF under the RECORD button. Type the name for the
> output file, hit enter, and hit RECORD/STOP once. The num2 GUIs in
> the middle of the main window show the time in minutes and seconds for
> PLAY, but not for RECORD
> The transport can be controlled with the keyboard. Control-I starts
> playback, and "I" alone stops it. Control-PageUp moves the playback
> cursor back one quarter-note, and Ctl-PageDown moves it forward one
> quarter note. Clt-Home moves the playback cursor to the beginning.
> Under Windows, Ctl-Help and Ctl-Delete move the cursor forward and
> back by 4 quarter notes at a time.
> This is the main reason for this patch to exist. With the main window
> active, switch to the score window. This should enable the mouse
> control.
> The important keys to know:
> Q: prepares the mouse cursor to enter notes. You should see a black
> preview note jump to the mouse when you hit Q, and it cycles through
> common note ratios when you move the mouse. If you now click the
> mouse, you create a note.
> E: disables note entry so it's safe to click on the score, and sets
> the score window to edit mode. You can now select wrong notes and
> delete them, or whatever.
> Ex2: hitting E again returns from edit mode, but does not prepare the
> score for editing. This way, you can drag on the right end of a note
> line and change the duration. Hit Q again to enter more notes.
> 1-0: the number keys change the duration of the preview note.
> Shift+1-8: Shift and numbers 1-8 changes the voice to be entered, as
> well as the color of the preview note.
> T: the most important one of all. This causes the entire score to
> transpose to the key of the preview note; whatever ratio is showing by
> the mouse cursor will become 1/1 and the whole score changes to
> reflect the new DO (not an abbreviation... DO as in "a female deer").
> G: also important. If you accidentally hit T without looking, or go
> through a series of changes and lose track of the original key, G will
> return the entire score to 1/1 = Middle C.
> Y and H: Y and H change the volume of the note to be added. You will
> see the small vertical block on the preview note increase or decrease.
> , and . OR < and >: these change the rhythmic quantizing of the
> preview note placement. < snaps to 1/6 of a quarter note, and > snaps
> to 1/4 of a quarter note.
> All of the score editing is enabled by the toxy external. So have it.
> This only works from the main window. To the right and just down from
> the main Volume, select the number of measures to add, and underneat
> that, select the time signature. Hit the button to the right of the
> number-of-measures-to-add to add them. Hit Clear if you want to
> remove all of them. Changing existing measures is a biaiaitch at this
> point. Not sure how to fix it.
> The 'Add Breakpoint' button will insert a tempo marker with the
> current value wherever the playback cursor is. It will be relative to
> whatever note value you select to the right, but this will not be
> visible in the score. Also, only exponential tempo currently works.
> I came up with a solution to make the tempo change exponentially, and
> never got around to reconnecting the linear tempo change. "Ignore
> Tempos" will playback a score at whatever speed you select, instead of
> what the markers say.
> Open pd mixer if you like, it's hiding to the right of the Tempo
> section of the main window.
> There are many other features that I created and don't use much
> anymore, or just aren't as essential. Experiment, but save your stuff
> if you come up with anything you like. The save feature won't ask
> about overwriting, so make sure you type a new name for each file
> before saving. The zoom has worked and not worked correctly at
> various stages; everything I added after the zoom had to incorporate a
> sort of "zoom cosmological constant" called "zoomfact", and I can't
> guarantee I put it everywhere it should be. The "EDIT THE SCORE"
> section is pretty much replaced by mouse editing. It still works; it
> highlights individual notes in red... but sometimes leaves them red.
> That whole section is scary.
> The selecting/copy/paste/move/transpose section is also scary, but a
> little more reliable. It reads the location of the playback cursor
> and selects what's between the Start and End spots. This "transpose"
> function actually changes the heights and pitches of the selected
> notes, instead of just the ratio names.
> The worst thing you can do is edit the patch itself and save it while
> a score is open. The preset memory function stores the entire
> waveform for each preset added in memory, and if you save the patch it
> will grow in size giamongously. If this happens, edit JI.pd in a text
> editor and remove everything between "canvas .... presetmemory" and
> "restore .... presetmemory", and between "canvas ..... score" and
> "restore ..... score". If you edit the patch itself, I suggest
> closing it using the "Close" messagebox to the right of the Zoom
> function. This clears the presets and score, and saves and closes the
> patch.
> You may not become a millionaire off of my JI scoring idea and not
> split it with me. Pretty much anything else is okay. Unless you're
> already a millionaire, in which case you must pay me to write music.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/4/2006 8:25:23 PM

There are definitely functions that are sensitive, and I could
improve some. In particular, I don't trust the zoom. I also no
longer use the "EDIT SCORE" section, I just couldn't seem to fix it.
Not sure why I left it there...
If you do note any glitches that you don't understand, please let me
I had this idea for an interface long ago, and none of the
programmers I know could tell me much about how hard it would be.
When I discovered some of the drawing functions Pure Data has, it
seemed like the obvious solution.

The new version of Pure Data has the ability to turn drawn objects on
or off individually. This opens up possibilities for drawing
automations and envelopes. That would be a big project though.

If you wanted that kind of sound control, it would actually be simple
to set my sequencer to MIDI output and record its output in a MIDI
program, then customize things from there.

Enjoy, and let me know how it works for you.


--- In, "Cody Hallenbeck"
<codyhallenbeck@...> wrote:
> Wow! This is a cool tool. I fooled around with it last night.
The overall
> interface (height based selection of intervals, with transpose
function) is
> really intuitive. I'm still getting the hang of it, and sometimes
it seems
> like there are glitches, but this is a really great effort! I'll
post some
> music when I finish writing something semi-decent with it. Thanks
a lot!
> On 9/1/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> >
> > I wrote a program that sequences JI, with a common set of
> > that follow the mouse; if you hit T while one of these intervals
> > up, that interval becomes 1/1 and the other notes change to show
> > relationship to it. So it is possible to sequence a melody or
> > modulate or borrow chords from other tonalities without doing
> > multiplication.
> >
> > The program runs in the Pure Data programming environment. The
> > simplest way to set it up is to download pd-extended from
> >
> >
> > My sequencer program:
> >
> >
> >
> > You have to start Pure Data (PD-extended) and make sure your
audio is
> > set up, then open "JI.pd" from my folder. Some instructions are
> > below. I used this program to write the JI sonata at
> >
> >
> > PLEASE let me know if this doesn't work for you (what platform
are you
> > using?) or if the instructions or the program are too confusing,
> > help me get the process figured out. Toby Twining is going to
give me
> > some lessons as independent study this semester, and I'm offering
> > this program. Since all the necessary files are under open
> > I'm hoping to soon package the whole thing as one zip file.
> > Also, I wrote up these instructions for the Pure Data list, so if
> > there is terminology you don't follow, I'll change it...
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > -Chuckk
> >
> > Instructions:
> >
> > The patch to open is JI.pd. This should open a control window and
> > blank score.
> > The 8 "JIvoice" abstractions in the main control window are the
> > instruments. Each has a different color, since they are all on the
> > same spread. The numberbox next to each JIvoice is for assigning
> > program numbers to colors. The vertical radio buttons are for
> > selecting which voice to add to the score. The colored toggles
> > next to the JIvoice abstractions were to be for muting, but this
> > hasn't yet been implemented. Underneath the JIvoice boxes is a
> > horizontal radio with three options. MIDI turns off all audio
> > processing and sends pitch bends, program changes, and notes to
> > out; this won't work with any softsynths I know, because each
note is
> > sent to a different channel. It will only work with samplers or
> > soundfonts. By default, PD output is turned on, and audio is on.
> > This will generate audio according to the parameters for each
> > click on a JIvoice to see the parameters. The only thing I'll say
> > about this window is that the FOF parameters at the bottom are
> > set up for MIDI control as of now; changing the numbers manually
> > work. The only other thing I'll say is that the preset system has
> > been getting jiggy with it... use caution if you use presets. They
> > are saved in the .prs file with the same name as the .ji file for
> > score.
> >
> > To open a piece, click on the symbol box under "Filename" in the
> > right. Type in, for instance, "sonata04rondo" and hit enter, then
> > click the "load" messagebox. You should see the score for the 4th
> > movement of my JI sonata. Next click on the gray and purple
> > boxes in turn, and play with some of the parameters. Just make
> > there is some kind of waveform in the box. Click the PLAY toggle
> > either the main window or a JIvoice panel. Music.
> >
> >
> > The buttons should be self-explanatory. To record to an audio
> > select wave or AIFF under the RECORD button. Type the name for the
> > output file, hit enter, and hit RECORD/STOP once. The num2 GUIs in
> > the middle of the main window show the time in minutes and
seconds for
> > PLAY, but not for RECORD
> > The transport can be controlled with the keyboard. Control-I
> > playback, and "I" alone stops it. Control-PageUp moves the
> > cursor back one quarter-note, and Ctl-PageDown moves it forward
> > quarter note. Clt-Home moves the playback cursor to the beginning.
> > Under Windows, Ctl-Help and Ctl-Delete move the cursor forward and
> > back by 4 quarter notes at a time.
> >
> >
> > This is the main reason for this patch to exist. With the main
> > active, switch to the score window. This should enable the mouse
> > control.
> > The important keys to know:
> >
> > Q: prepares the mouse cursor to enter notes. You should see a
> > preview note jump to the mouse when you hit Q, and it cycles
> > common note ratios when you move the mouse. If you now click the
> > mouse, you create a note.
> >
> > E: disables note entry so it's safe to click on the score, and
> > the score window to edit mode. You can now select wrong notes and
> > delete them, or whatever.
> >
> > Ex2: hitting E again returns from edit mode, but does not prepare
> > score for editing. This way, you can drag on the right end of a
> > line and change the duration. Hit Q again to enter more notes.
> >
> > 1-0: the number keys change the duration of the preview note.
> >
> > Shift+1-8: Shift and numbers 1-8 changes the voice to be entered,
> > well as the color of the preview note.
> >
> > T: the most important one of all. This causes the entire score to
> > transpose to the key of the preview note; whatever ratio is
showing by
> > the mouse cursor will become 1/1 and the whole score changes to
> > reflect the new DO (not an abbreviation... DO as in "a female
> >
> > G: also important. If you accidentally hit T without looking, or
> > through a series of changes and lose track of the original key, G
> > return the entire score to 1/1 = Middle C.
> >
> > Y and H: Y and H change the volume of the note to be added. You
> > see the small vertical block on the preview note increase or
> >
> > , and . OR < and >: these change the rhythmic quantizing of the
> > preview note placement. < snaps to 1/6 of a quarter note, and >
> > to 1/4 of a quarter note.
> >
> > All of the score editing is enabled by the toxy external. So have
> >
> >
> > This only works from the main window. To the right and just down
> > the main Volume, select the number of measures to add, and
> > that, select the time signature. Hit the button to the right of
> > number-of-measures-to-add to add them. Hit Clear if you want to
> > remove all of them. Changing existing measures is a biaiaitch at
> > point. Not sure how to fix it.
> >
> > _TEMPO_
> >
> > The 'Add Breakpoint' button will insert a tempo marker with the
> > current value wherever the playback cursor is. It will be
relative to
> > whatever note value you select to the right, but this will not be
> > visible in the score. Also, only exponential tempo currently
> > I came up with a solution to make the tempo change exponentially,
> > never got around to reconnecting the linear tempo change. "Ignore
> > Tempos" will playback a score at whatever speed you select,
instead of
> > what the markers say.
> >
> > _MIXING_
> >
> > Open pd mixer if you like, it's hiding to the right of the Tempo
> > section of the main window.
> >
> >
> > There are many other features that I created and don't use much
> > anymore, or just aren't as essential. Experiment, but save your
> > if you come up with anything you like. The save feature won't ask
> > about overwriting, so make sure you type a new name for each file
> > before saving. The zoom has worked and not worked correctly at
> > various stages; everything I added after the zoom had to
incorporate a
> > sort of "zoom cosmological constant" called "zoomfact", and I
> > guarantee I put it everywhere it should be. The "EDIT THE SCORE"
> > section is pretty much replaced by mouse editing. It still works;
> > highlights individual notes in red... but sometimes leaves them
> > That whole section is scary.
> > The selecting/copy/paste/move/transpose section is also scary,
but a
> > little more reliable. It reads the location of the playback cursor
> > and selects what's between the Start and End spots.
This "transpose"
> > function actually changes the heights and pitches of the selected
> > notes, instead of just the ratio names.
> >
> >
> > The worst thing you can do is edit the patch itself and save it
> > a score is open. The preset memory function stores the entire
> > waveform for each preset added in memory, and if you save the
patch it
> > will grow in size giamongously. If this happens, edit JI.pd in a
> > editor and remove everything between "canvas .... presetmemory"
> > "restore .... presetmemory", and between "canvas ..... score" and
> > "restore ..... score". If you edit the patch itself, I suggest
> > closing it using the "Close" messagebox to the right of the Zoom
> > function. This clears the presets and score, and saves and closes
> > patch.
> >
> >
> > You may not become a millionaire off of my JI scoring idea and not
> > split it with me. Pretty much anything else is okay. Unless you're
> > already a millionaire, in which case you must pay me to write
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

9/5/2006 12:50:58 AM

At 03:35 PM 9/3/2006, you wrote:
>I figured out how to package it all as one installable program, for
>Windows XP.
>is the setup file.
>It installs to C:\\Program Files\JIsequencer. To run it from
>explorer, double-click JI.bat in the JIsequencer folder.
>Feel free to email or post with any problems.

How does one enter a note?


🔗Rozencrantz the Sane <rozencrantz@...>

9/5/2006 2:43:08 PM

On 9/5/06, Carl Lumma <ekin@...> wrote:

> How does one enter a note?
> -Carl

There's a pretty good documentation in the list archive, but basically
you open the window with all the numbers, then the window that's
mostly empty except for a few lines, then press q and move the mouse,
and if a rectangle doesn't appear next to your mouse then something is
wrong. If it does, though, then just click where you want the note to
be, the number to the left of the note is the ratio you're entering.

The Four Principles of Anarchism:
1) Reason
2) Mutual Aid
3) Voluntary Association

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/5/2006 3:45:35 PM

Pretty much. The height of the thick line is the volume, the length
of the skinny line is the duration. Y and H raise or lower volume
before entering a note, and 1-0 change the duration before entering
the note.
It's easier to see the rhythm if you enter some measures first; look
for 3 number fields and one button that say "Add Measures". The
numbers say how many measures of what, and the button adds them.


--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> On 9/5/06, Carl Lumma <ekin@...> wrote:
> > How does one enter a note?
> >
> > -Carl
> There's a pretty good documentation in the list archive, but
> you open the window with all the numbers, then the window that's
> mostly empty except for a few lines, then press q and move the
> and if a rectangle doesn't appear next to your mouse then something
> wrong. If it does, though, then just click where you want the note
> be, the number to the left of the note is the ratio you're entering.
> The Four Principles of Anarchism:
> 1) Reason
> 2) Mutual Aid
> 3) Voluntary Association
> 4)Consensus

🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

9/5/2006 6:36:16 PM

>> How does one enter a note?
>> -Carl
>There's a pretty good documentation in the list archive,

Which list?

>but basically
>you open the window with all the numbers, then the window that's
>mostly empty except for a few lines, then press q and move the mouse,
>and if a rectangle doesn't appear next to your mouse then something is
>wrong. If it does, though, then just click where you want the note to
>be, the number to the left of the note is the ratio you're entering.

Got that to work. How do I:

- Adjust the duration of a note?
- Play the score?


🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

9/5/2006 6:50:38 PM

At 03:45 PM 9/5/2006, you wrote:
>Pretty much. The height of the thick line is the volume, the length
>of the skinny line is the duration. Y and H raise or lower volume
>before entering a note, and 1-0 change the duration before entering
>the note.

Cool, that answers that question. And I found the play button.
How do I change the root again? And: how do I delete a note?

>It's easier to see the rhythm if you enter some measures first; look
>for 3 number fields and one button that say "Add Measures". The
>numbers say how many measures of what, and the button adds them.

Can't get that to work. It seems to want to replace the time sig.
with negative numbers or zeros.


🔗Rozencrantz the Sane <rozencrantz@...>

9/5/2006 6:53:39 PM

On 9/5/06, Carl Lumma <ekin@...> wrote:
> >> How does one enter a note?
> >>
> >> -Carl
> >
> >There's a pretty good documentation in the list archive,
> Which list?


> Got that to work. How do I:
> - Adjust the duration of a note?

To change the duration of a note that has already been placed:
Press E and if you see a hand, press E again, so that you see an
arrow. Move it to the horizontal line coming out of the note you want
to change and the arrow should point the other direction, then you can
click and drag on the line to change the duration.

To change the duration of a note before you place it:
Press one of the number keys. 6 is a quarter note, 8 is a half note, 0
is a whole note, and 3 is an eighth note, that's as much as I've
figured out.

> - Play the score?

On the controll window, low and left, there is a vertical gray bar,
and to the right is a check-box with the words "Play/Stop" over it.
Click that to play the score.

You have to have some kind of output set up, either a waveform preset
or a MIDI output. To set up MIDI, on the controll window under the
list of instruments there is a 3-option box, select MIDI and then
under the Media menu up top, select MIDI options and choose your MIDI
out device. I'm still learning how to use presets, though.

🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

9/5/2006 9:12:57 PM

>> >> How does one enter a note?
>> >
>> >There's a pretty good documentation in the list archive,
>> Which list?

Thanks. I hadn't seen the text below Chuckk's signature.

>> Got that to work. How do I:
>> - Adjust the duration of a note?
>To change the duration of a note that has already been placed:
>Press E and if you see a hand, press E again, so that you see an
>arrow. Move it to the horizontal line coming out of the note you want
>to change and the arrow should point the other direction, then you can
>click and drag on the line to change the duration.



🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

9/5/2006 9:17:04 PM

> Instructions:

Chuckk, have you considered including this as a readme
in the installer?


🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/5/2006 9:56:04 PM

--- In, Carl Lumma <ekin@...> wrote:
> At 03:45 PM 9/5/2006, you wrote:
> >Pretty much. The height of the thick line is the volume, the
> >of the skinny line is the duration. Y and H raise or lower volume
> >before entering a note, and 1-0 change the duration before
> >the note.
> Cool, that answers that question. And I found the play button.
> How do I change the root again? And: how do I delete a note?

T to change the root; G to change back to 1/1 = Middle C.
The only way to delete a note I never mentioned, I never got that far
in my instructions :(
You have to hit E with the score active; the mouse should let go of
the note cursor and turn to a hand. Carefully click on the offending
note until it is highlighted and nothing else is highlighted, then
hit Backspace. This is actually a function of the programming
environment, Pure Data, not of my patch. So be careful not to
highlight other notes or barlines, because it will highlight whatever
is where you click. You can delete several notes or tempo markers by
holding SHIFT and clicking them, then Backspace.

> >It's easier to see the rhythm if you enter some measures first;
> >for 3 number fields and one button that say "Add Measures". The
> >numbers say how many measures of what, and the button adds them.
> Can't get that to work. It seems to want to replace the time sig.
> with negative numbers or zeros.
> -Carl
If you put in the number of measures and the top and bottom of the
time signature, and then click the button to add, you should get this
result. I know it's confusing from the position of the fields;
something to clean up when I revise it.

Hope this helps.

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/5/2006 9:57:05 PM

--- In, "Carl Lumma" <ekin@...> wrote:
> > Instructions:
> >
> Chuckk, have you considered including this as a readme
> in the installer?
> -Carl

Yeah, I guess I've just been afraid I wouldn't feel the need to revise
it if I put it in now. But, since I haven't felt the need to revise it
anyway, I'll stick it in, with amendments on deleting notes.

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/5/2006 10:12:14 PM

--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> > Got that to work. How do I:
> >
> > - Adjust the duration of a note?
> To change the duration of a note that has already been placed:
> Press E and if you see a hand, press E again, so that you see an
> arrow. Move it to the horizontal line coming out of the note you
> to change and the arrow should point the other direction, then you
> click and drag on the line to change the duration.
> To change the duration of a note before you place it:
> Press one of the number keys. 6 is a quarter note, 8 is a half
note, 0
> is a whole note, and 3 is an eighth note, that's as much as I've
> figured out.

Wow, I can't wait to hear what music you come up with if you know my
patch this well.
Incidentally, if you watch in the main window, in the manual "CREATE
NOTES" section, you will see the selected duration in 120ths of a
1: 16th note
2: 8th note triplet
3: 8th note
4: quarter note triplet
5: dotted 8th note
6: quarter
7: dotted quarter
8: half note
9: dotted half note
0: whole note

I think I mentioned in the help, somewhere towards the middle, that
you can change the resolution of the entry rhythm: < lets you place
notes at 6ths of a beat, and > lets you place notes at 4ths of a beat.

If anyone wants finer control than that, I'll be glad to explain how
the score EDIT section works, when it works.

> > - Play the score?
> On the controll window, low and left, there is a vertical gray bar,
> and to the right is a check-box with the words "Play/Stop" over it.
> Click that to play the score.
> You have to have some kind of output set up, either a waveform
> or a MIDI output. To set up MIDI, on the controll window under the
> list of instruments there is a 3-option box, select MIDI and then
> under the Media menu up top, select MIDI options and choose your
> out device. I'm still learning how to use presets, though.

There are MIDI presets as well; if a color is set to an instrument
when you save, those instruments will load when you load the piece.
Also, Control-I starts playback, on Windows. I can't believe I
didn't mention that. To stop playback with the keyboard, just hit I
without control. IF this ceases to work, click that giant button
that says "RESET CONTROLS". Which is to say, that has been known to

Q, E, T, G, Y, H, <, and > all have functions only when the score is
Ctl-I, I, Ctl-PageUp/Down, and Ctl-Home all work regardless of
whether the score is in front.

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/5/2006 10:22:22 PM


Enter these by positioning the note cursor where you want the marker
to go, using Ctl-PageUp and Ctl-PageDown and/or Ctl-Insert and Ctl-
Then select the note value, quarter note by default, to the right of
the word "Tempo" in the main window. Enter a number you'd like, and
hit "Add Breakpoint".

The essential thing to know, though, is that as soon as the score
reaches one tempo, it starts to glide (exponentially, thanks to my
calculus skills) towards the next tempo. (Exponentially means if the
tempo doubles in 1 second, it will double again in 1 more second)
So if you want to start at 90 for 4 beats, then ramp to 120 over 4
beats, stay at 120 for 8 beats, and jump back to 90 immediately, you
have to enter:
(4 beats of music)
(4 beats of music)
(8 beats)
"90" <-- enter this tempo right after entering the 120, and JI
sequencer will place it just after the 120, so the ramp is

As soon as the program runs out of tempo markers, it stays at the
last tempo until the end.

You can also adjust the number of a tempo marker just like you adjust
the duration of a note: hit E until you have an arrow, then watch for
the arrow to flip over when it's near the tempo marker. Click and
drag the number.

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/5/2006 11:49:26 PM

--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> That would be cool. I find that I never use the higher order
> intervals, just the first-order ones in the chart. If I need a
> higher-order interval like 81/64, I'll just use the transposer.

I adapted the note bank, it wasn't as tight as I thought.

This will require editing and saving the JI.pd program, so do it
before opening any scores.

Download these to the same folder that has JI.pd:
(which will prompt to overwrite, go ahead)

Then it's time to have fun editing with Pure Data:

Click on the box in the cluster at the bottom of the main window that
says [pd canvas]
In the window that comes up, hit Control-2. You should have a blue
box with spikes on the mouse. Click somewhere in some white space to
let go of it. Click next to it to deselect it, click it again to put
a cursor in it. Type exactly:

;pd-notestorage read with13.txt

Hit Control-E to get an arrow back, and click on the box you just

Now you have 13/8 utonality and 16/13 otonality. See how you like it
this way. Hit Control-S to save the main program.


🔗Rozencrantz the Sane <rozencrantz@...>

9/6/2006 12:19:38 AM

On 9/5/06, Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
> <rozencrantz@...> wrote:

> I adapted the note bank, it wasn't as tight as I thought.
> This will require editing and saving the JI.pd program, so do it
> before opening any scores.
> Download these to the same folder that has JI.pd:
> (which will prompt to overwrite, go ahead)
> Then it's time to have fun editing with Pure Data:
> Click on the box in the cluster at the bottom of the main window that
> says [pd canvas]
> In the window that comes up, hit Control-2. You should have a blue
> box with spikes on the mouse. Click somewhere in some white space to
> let go of it. Click next to it to deselect it, click it again to put
> a cursor in it. Type exactly:
> ;pd-notestorage read with13.txt
> Hit Control-E to get an arrow back, and click on the box you just
> inserted.
> Now you have 13/8 utonality and 16/13 otonality. See how you like it
> this way. Hit Control-S to save the main program.
> -Chuckk

Got it. Just had to save it before it showed up, in case anyone else
wants to try it.

I think the next step is to consolidate all of these emails into a
single resource, and continue finding other things that can be done.
I'm a little afraid to go bumping around trying things that you
haven't declared kosher, can I be sure that pressing the "close"
button will un-break it if I manage to disloge something?

The Four Principles of Anarchism:
1) Reason
2) Mutual Aid
3) Voluntary Association

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/6/2006 6:37:53 AM

--- In, "Rozencrantz the Sane"
<rozencrantz@...> wrote:
> I think the next step is to consolidate all of these emails into a
> single resource, and continue finding other things that can be done.
> I'm a little afraid to go bumping around trying things that you
> haven't declared kosher, can I be sure that pressing the "close"
> button will un-break it if I manage to disloge something?

Your best bet then would be to close the black console box in the
background. This immediately closes without saving or asking to
save. If you dislodge something, DON'T press the button in the main
window that says CLOSE; that will save all changes to the JI

With the "EDIT THE SCORE" section, when you click beginning, if you
haven't already tried it, the first note becomes red. "Next Note" or
Control-R steps through the score one note at a time, and brings up
info about the note. One secret I haven't shared is that you can
change notes by scrolling the numerator/denominator directly on the
score, just like duration, and then hit "Update Height" to put them
at the right height.
BUT, you have to step through then the whole way to the end of the
score or some notes will remain red, and the playback function
doesn't know what voice they represent. There are a few glitches
with this too; if you hit beginning while already stepping through
the score, sometimes a note stays red permanently.

I'll try to consolidate these snippets into one help file. Things
are getting busy at school lately.


> The Four Principles of Anarchism:
> 1) Reason
> 2) Mutual Aid
> 3) Voluntary Association
> 4)Consensus

🔗Cody Hallenbeck <codyhallenbeck@...>

9/13/2006 9:44:28 PM

Wrote my first piece in JIsequencer. It was a blast! The interface concept
is incredibly intuitive, and really inspires me to write. The only real
bugs I've noted so far are:

-As mentioned, zoom doesn't really work. In particular, it causes notes to
be placed at different times than your cursor.
-I don't know exactly how to replicate it, but occasionally when I make a
note or switch between edit and entry, a note I didn't intend gets created.
Sometimes, this note is hard to be delete. You have to drag over it
(instead of just clicking) to successfully delete it.

Also, the selectability of the bar lines is really annoying, but I
understand this is a limitation of PD. I decided to choose to work without

My piece is available at titled "Harmonic
Exercise". It's mostly 5 limit with some septimal intervals, and mostly is
based upon chromatic third relationships. If anyone wants the PD file I can
email them it.

Thank to Chukk! This is a really awesome app.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

🔗Rozencrantz the Sane <rozencrantz@...>

9/14/2006 11:11:35 AM

I like it. The first half seems superfluous to me, but the second half
reminds me of old doo-wop bands. The timbre you used works very well
with the harmonies and rhythm.

On 9/13/06, Cody Hallenbeck <codyhallenbeck@...> wrote:
> My piece is available at
> titled "Harmonic
> Exercise". It's mostly 5 limit with some septimal intervals, and mostly is
> based upon chromatic third relationships. If anyone wants the PD file I can
> email them it.


🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/14/2006 5:47:28 PM

Hey cool! I agree with Tristan that the timbre you chose is really
effective. It blends beautifully with itself.
I'm assuming you used MIDI output, not my synth module?

That zoom has been the bane of my existence. I didn't realize I
never adjusted the note-cursor to it; mouse control was one of the
last things I added. Most of the program grew without it. It should
be trivial to fix though, actually.

I am also aware of the accidental notes. I've tried numerous
workarounds. The way it works is that, when the score is cleared
(which happens on load), a message is then sent to the score to
create an "active" object and a sender. These are visible if you
scroll the whole way down. This object tells Pure Data when the
score is the front screen, so that mouse clicks on other windows
don't add notes. Alas, clicking on the window itself to bring it
forward usually adds a note. I tried putting in a delay, so note
adding would be disabled until however many milliseconds after the
window became active, with limited success. The only way so far to
avoid it is to only click on the gray area or the menu bar of the
score window when switching screens. I usually also hit E nervously
several times whenever I switch screens. If, somehow, adding notes
is enabled while the hand is showing, hitting E twice should reset it.
BTW, the reason you have to drag-select the note to delete it is
because it is a whole stack of notes. If you deleted one at a time
it would eventually disappear.

I don't have a solution for the barlines. I can tell you another way
to move notes, but it deserves its own message.

I really like your progressions. Think you could forward the .ji
file to me? The .prs and .trs files only matter if you used synth
presets or left the score transposed to something besides 1/1,

Glad you got some use from it. Keep me posted.

--- In, "Cody Hallenbeck"
<codyhallenbeck@...> wrote:
> Wrote my first piece in JIsequencer. It was a blast! The
interface concept
> is incredibly intuitive, and really inspires me to write. The only
> bugs I've noted so far are:
> -As mentioned, zoom doesn't really work. In particular, it causes
notes to
> be placed at different times than your cursor.
> -I don't know exactly how to replicate it, but occasionally when I
make a
> note or switch between edit and entry, a note I didn't intend gets
> Sometimes, this note is hard to be delete. You have to drag over it
> (instead of just clicking) to successfully delete it.
> Also, the selectability of the bar lines is really annoying, but I
> understand this is a limitation of PD. I decided to choose to work
> them.
> My piece is available at
titled "Harmonic
> Exercise". It's mostly 5 limit with some septimal intervals, and
mostly is
> based upon chromatic third relationships. If anyone wants the PD
file I can
> email them it.
> Thank to Chukk! This is a really awesome app.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

🔗Cody Hallenbeck <codyhallenbeck@...>

9/14/2006 6:15:07 PM

Thanks for the comments, Chukk and Tristan. I really appreciate it. This
is the first real piece of music I've written in JI, so I was feeling a
little apprehensive about it. Every other sequencing solution was too
clumsy for me to work with!

I forgot to mention it, but the timbre is Native Instruments Bandstand,
Vocal Ooh patch. I just went through all the patches until I found the one
I liked best. 70% of it was written while just using the sine wave defaults
within PD.

Thanks for describing how those accidental notes come about! I'll have a
better time avoiding them now.

I'll be sure to keep working with Ji Sequencer, I'm definately hooked.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

🔗Cody Hallenbeck <codyhallenbeck@...>

9/16/2006 3:36:24 AM

Hey, Chukk? Is there any way that you can make each instrument in JI
Sequencer output to a seperate MIDI device? While synths like the Microsoft
MIDI Mapper work fine switching instruments on demand, allowing 15 note
polyphony, soft samplers (ie, NI Bandstand which I'm currently using) don't
do so well, making multitimbrality impossible. It'd also allow you to work
with greater than 15 note polyphony. Thanks!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/16/2006 5:11:34 PM

I tried the same thing. It is possible to add up to 4 MIDI output
ports to Pure Data, in the Media menu. Then, channels 1-16 send to the
first port, 17-32 to the second, and so on. It may also be possible to
add more than 4 some other way, I don't know.
Unfortunately, in my experience, opening up enough copies of any
softsynth slows my system down way past where it's usable.

Another thing I experimented with was just sending MIDI output to
Cakewalk and recording it there, then moving the tracks around to try
to route notes to softsynths. Using MIDI at all is a compromise, since
it can only have one pitch-bend per channel. Most softsynths also only
have one voice per instance; if you want multitimbres you have to open

I haven't found a good solution for this, other than to compose using
the built-in synth and then record one voice at a time with softsynths.
My own hope is to beef up the synth I included, and learn some other
synthesis methods.


--- In, "Cody Hallenbeck"
<codyhallenbeck@...> wrote:
> Hey, Chukk? Is there any way that you can make each instrument in JI
> Sequencer output to a seperate MIDI device? While synths like the
> MIDI Mapper work fine switching instruments on demand, allowing 15
> polyphony, soft samplers (ie, NI Bandstand which I'm currently using)
> do so well, making multitimbrality impossible. It'd also allow you
to work
> with greater than 15 note polyphony. Thanks!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

🔗Jon Szanto <jszanto@...>

9/16/2006 6:10:13 PM


{you wrote...}
>I haven't found a good solution for this, other than to compose using the built-in synth and then record one voice at a time with softsynths. My own hope is to beef up the synth I included, and learn some other synthesis methods.

I readily confess to not having tried your app, simply not having the free time! But I'm wondering: can't the "built-in synth" be coded to create it's pitches directly microtonally, instead of relying on pitch bend? The pitch bend route is so fraught with musical problems, the main one being the restriction on polyphony.

I hope to find time in the next day or two to make a coherent posting on current microtonal instruments in the VST/DXi world, and keep it as a page somewhere in this forum for continued reference. There always seem to be new people coming around, often having either no info or incorrect info as to how to do all this.


🔗Chuckk Hubbard <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

9/16/2006 6:56:27 PM

Yes, the built-in synth encodes its frequencies directly as CPS, and
pitch-bend is only used for MIDI output.
I included MIDI output in case the built-in synth wasn't good
enough. The sequencer can switch between them.

--- In, Jon Szanto <jszanto@...> wrote:
> Chuckk,
> {you wrote...}
> >I haven't found a good solution for this, other than to compose
using the built-in synth and then record one voice at a time with
softsynths. My own hope is to beef up the synth I included, and learn
some other synthesis methods.
> I readily confess to not having tried your app, simply not having
the free time! But I'm wondering: can't the "built-in synth" be coded
to create it's pitches directly microtonally, instead of relying on
pitch bend? The pitch bend route is so fraught with musical problems,
the main one being the restriction on polyphony.
> I hope to find time in the next day or two to make a coherent
posting on current microtonal instruments in the VST/DXi world, and
keep it as a page somewhere in this forum for continued reference.
There always seem to be new people coming around, often having either
no info or incorrect info as to how to do all this.
> Cheers,
> Jon