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RE: [tuning] New microtonal chamber demo up


5/11/2000 6:11:51 PM


How did you create these great-sounding mp3s?


5/12/2000 10:01:46 AM

Paul Erlich wrote,

> Dan,
> How did you create these great-sounding mp3s?

If your specifically meaning those three pieces, they're actually
quite old now, early '90's I think, and back then I was working at a
music store where I could borrow a lot of different equipment, and it
was catch as catch can... though I'm sure that most of the sounds are
from an E-MU module... Not sure if this is exactly what you were
asking though.



5/12/2000 11:16:15 AM

Dan wrote,

>If your specifically meaning those three pieces, they're actually
>quite old now, early '90's I think, and back then I was working at a
>music store where I could borrow a lot of different equipment, and it
>was catch as catch can... though I'm sure that most of the sounds are
>from an E-MU module... Not sure if this is exactly what you were
>asking though.

And the rest of the pieces?


5/12/2000 2:50:28 PM

Paul H. Erlich wrote,

> And the rest of the pieces?

Tons of stuff! Whatever I can get my hands on and make do what it is
that I want it to do really...



5/12/2000 12:44:34 PM

I wrote,

>> And the rest of the pieces?

Dan wrote,

>Tons of stuff! Whatever I can get my hands on and make do what it is
>that I want it to do really...

Well, they sound great. All the instruments sound so _real_!


5/13/2000 11:05:01 AM

Paul H. Erlich wrote,

> Well, they sound great.

Thanks Paul.
