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The Temperament Orphanage

🔗Mike Battaglia <battaglia01@...>

5/20/2011 8:42:02 AM

Every so often, while between bouts of actually doing work, I'll find
myself screwing around in Scala and trying to design useful
temperaments. Many of these temperaments don't seem to immediately fit
into any family, or if they do I don't see it. Others are generated by
other methods, such as the (81/80)^n = 25/24 temperaments I just
posted about, so I'm not sure if they'd end up fitting in a family at
all. In general, these temperaments don't end up fitting in a page on
the wiki. So I've created a temperament orphanage

This can be the place for people to document useful temperaments
temporarily when no obvious family arises. If a temperament stays in
the orphanage for too long, then it might be best to just create a new
family for it. If you see a temperament on this page and know what
family it fits into, then go ahead and move it.
