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Announcement of concerts

🔗Manuel Op de Coul <COUL@SOLAIR1.INTER.NL.NET>

5/4/2000 1:26:23 PM

The Ebony Band conducted by Werner Herbers with
Marjanne Kweksilber (soprano) and Serge Novique (baritone)
will perform works of Ponc, Burian, Reiner, S�sskind
and H�ba. Herbers had to look very hard for a quartertone
harmonium for the piece "Les Mari�s de la Tour Eiffel"
(1928) by the Czech composer Miloslav Ponc (1902-1976).
He found one built by Foerster in 1927 in very bad condition
and had it restored. In the Volkskrant of today (4 May) there's
an article about it : "Kwarttoonsharmonium gezocht".
In Vredenburg, Utrecht on 9 May 20.15 h. and Concertgebouw,
Amsterdam on 13 May.

Manuel Op de Coul