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Re: [tuning] Death knell for[alternative website]

🔗David Beardsley <>

4/30/2000 5:21:30 PM

Joseph Pehrson wrote:

> So now, ALL is in jeopardy. Will survive?? It is now very
> questionable. I'm not certain that anything can be done by anyone not
> involved in the lawsuit... (??)

The MP3 format will survive. Who cares if survives?
Like I posted yesterday, I've got some MP3 files up on a
site if anyone has the bandwidth to down load them. And as
time marches on the technology becomes more widespread.
There was once a time when people had email but not web access
and that's not the story today. Increasingly as people get
faster connctions like cable modems (I've had one for a year),
downloading large media isn't a problem. You can
always use a search engine like Excite! to look for keywords
like microtones or just intonation.

I'm more worried about the new Korg MS2000 4 voice analog
modeling synth. The Keyboard magazine synth sez it's tunable,
but the Korg web site isn't that specific. A trip to 48th
Street will hopefully answer this question in the morning.

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* 49/32 R a d i o "all microtonal, all the time"
* M E L A v i r t u a l d r e a m house monitor