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periodic blockage(??)[recent discussion on TD]

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

4/29/2000 4:36:46 PM

Joe Monzo wrote TD 621:

> Sheesh, what a bunch of crap over the last couple of weeks!...

Hi Joe...

But, I'm not exactly certain that I agree with you on this... since the
discussion plowed me right into the whole notion of the "periodicity
block" for the first time... the articles of Paul Erlich (I'm still
dealing with them) and your own insights...

Although some of the "participants" were a little strange, it did lead
to some thinking obout some specific stuff... At least it got me
interested in YOUR work on this subject, so I'm not so certain all the
discussion was entirely worthless. Maybe mostly worthless, but not



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Joseph Pehrson