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Rationale 0.3.0

🔗touchedchuckk <BadMuthaHubbard@...>

4/5/2011 3:04:00 AM

Hi everyone.

I've just uploaded a new version of Rationale at

If you used Rationale in the past and encountered bugs, there's a good chance they've been fixed. I fixed a lot of bugs and unexpected behavior for this release (over the last year). There are a few functional improvements too. I was holding back on publishing it because I wanted to include MIDI support in the next release, but that's stalled and still way off. I'm sorry for that.
It also doesn't look like I'll be able to spend much time on Rationale or microtonal music in the near future, so this could end up being the last version. That's not so useful for those who want to use MIDI, but for anyone who used Rationale before, it should be much more reliable now.
