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Re: [tuning] 19th Nervous Breakdown


4/23/2000 1:44:52 PM

Wim Hoogewerf wrote,

> BTW: open tunings are not completely irrelevant for the Tuning List.
There are many examples of open tunings allowing a microtonal
composition for 12tet fretted guitar.

While this is of course true, I don't think it was relevant at all to
Bill Bau or Liam Redmond who were merely misled by the "Alternate
Tuning List" moniker... but who knows, maybe some guitarists who
accidentally or mistakenly come upon this list will also become
interested in the subject of tuning and intonation (etc.).



4/23/2000 10:46:43 PM

Wim Hoogewerf wrote,

> There are many examples of open tunings allowing a microtonal
composition for 12tet fretted guitar.

Speaking of this, I've been meaning to ask for awhile now if anyone
knows what the tuning strategy is in James Tenney's "Water on the
Mountain...Fire in Heaven" (it sounds like a combination of tape
speed -- definitely sped up -- and open string tuning manipulation)?



4/24/2000 12:10:56 PM

Great microtonal project: 19-tET Nervous Breakdown!