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Attachments on the tuning list...

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@ADNC.COM>

4/21/2000 9:52:52 AM

For newcomers and even some oldcomers:

I don't have any idea how the msgs go out from this list in standard format, but please be advised that anyone getting the Tuning List in digest mode (which I do, for one) will NOT RECEIVE ANY ATTACHMENTS.

If something is attached to an email that is germane and of importance to your message, please say so. This gives someone a reason to contact you individually to get a copy of said attachment. I can see looking forward to diagrams, charts, whatever. I would not look forward to e-contact cards, etc. So if your attachments really have impact on your message, this is a small something to consider.

Should I mention about trimming replies? Nope, wouldn't help...

Best all,
Jonathan M. Szanto : Corporeal Meadows: A Yahoo! Internet Life : "New, Notable & Fun" site for February 2000
{the Park Ranger} :