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21C-Orch-Instrs Resumé (1)

🔗Patrick Ozzard-Low <>

2/22/1999 1:32:41 PM

Resume of Instrument Researches No 1

In Los Angeles (and at his home in Camarillo) I met Fred Parouthaud
whose acoustic violin is driven by MIDI input. The violin has no
strings but sounds very similar to a conventional violin. A mechanized
but otherwise conventional bow strokes a special metal rod which
replaces the strings. The metal bar is driven by electronic
transduction at the frequencies derived from the MIDI input. The sound
of the violin is purely acoustic - in the sense that amplification is
entirely through the wooden body of the violin, not through a
loudspeaker. The violin might be used by a composer working with a MIDI
keyboard who is dissatisfied with synthesisers or samplers. Or the
technology might be applied to new versions of hybrid acoustic-
electronic instruments. Or one may imagine a String Quartet a la
Nancarrow..... Of course, this violin might be programmed to realise any
tuning, flexible as you like, extremely accurately.... Mr Paroutaud has
patented his inventions, which may be purchased through QRS Music
Technologies. See:

Huge thanks to Stephen James Taylor for introducing me to Fred, and to
all the gang (Erv Wilson, Kraig Grady, Marcus Satellite, Scott
Hacklemann) who met me in LA and treated me to a wonderful dinner and a
fantastic evening!
Patrick Ozzard-Low,
Tel : (44) 1603 614380