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60x60 "UnTwelve mix" install at Hamilton college

🔗Aaron Krister Johnson <aaron@...>

12/7/2010 11:51:59 AM


Dear friends of UnTwelve,

From Monday, December 6 through Saturday, December 18 a video installation
of the video collaboration between 60x60, UnTwelve, and Vox Novus will be
presented in the List Arts Center Gallery at Hamilton College.

Hear (and see) 60 microtonal electronic music by 60 composers, each lasting
60 seconds be paired with video by Patrick Liddell. This 60-minute event is
the result of a collaboration between Vox Novus's 60x60, UnTwelve (,
and the Chicago-based video artist Patrick Liddell. The miniatures
presented will
all be part of what we call the UnTwelve Mix--short works with a focus of
the novel beauty of
tuning which escapes the rigid boundaries of 12-tone equal temperament, and
use of microtones.

60x60 UnTwelve Mix Video Installation
Monday, December 6 through Saturday, December 18
List Arts Center Gallery
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323

Composers in the 60x60 2010 UnTwelve Mix will include:
Elise Cumberland, Tommy Scheurich, Mike Leghorn, Carlo Serafini, Ioannis
Kalantzis, Agnes Szelag, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz, Kevin Kissinger, Alexander
Baker, Brent Wilcox, Zachary Young, Mark Zaki, Christopher Bailey, Scott
Peterson, Ethan Schwartz, Andrian Pertout, Ozan Yarman, Mark Eden, Phil
Edelstein, Anthony St.Pierre, Jose Ivan Sanchez, Anthony Hood, Kraig
Grady,Penko Stoitschev, Monroe Golden, Robert Fanelli, Samuel Pellman,
Cameron Bobro, Bob Siebert, Chuckk Hubbard, Rob Voisey, Joseph Pehrson,
Warren Burt, Prent Rodgers, Victor Valentim, Robert Lepre, Andy Hasenpflug,
Thomas Ciufo, Les Scott, Daniel Sedgwick, Momilani Ramstrum, Mark Ballora,
Randall West, Joel Hickman, Chris Vaisvil, Ann Cantelow, Patrick Liddell,
Christopher Keyes, Thomas Dempster, Michael Gaiuranos, Tova Kardonne, Sean
Archibald, Monty Adkins, Enrico Francioni, George Secor, Aaron Krister
Johnson, Gilberto Rosa, Mike McFerron, Douglas Geers, and Danny Wier

A copy of the program notes can be found here:

And here is the bio of Patrick Liddell the video artist:
Patrick Liddell is a composer and video artist living in Chicago. His
music/video is a postmodern blend of 'art' and 'popular' styles, with strong
hints of electronic, ethnic, video game, experimental, and film music. His
YouTube project "Video Room 1000" has received over one million views and
has been featured on a host of viral websites. Patrick recently completed
the video for Vox Novus's "360 degrees of 60x60", a six-hour video
installation featuring the works of 360 different composers; each hour of
the video revisits the same source material but manipulated to uniquely
accompany the music playing. He regularly performs live and improvised video
with many groups in the Chicago area, as well as his own video/music/art
under the moniker [ontologist].
Please discover more at:

We hope soem of you in the NY area will make it there!

Aaron Krister Johnson

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