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[Music] Human Astronomy EP found in the wild today...

🔗sevishmusic <sevish@...>

11/15/2010 12:38:37 PM

My newest microtonal record "Human Astronomy" has just gone live, and you're warmly invited to have a listen. It's a free download as usual.

Genre wise we're looking at drum'n'bass, breakbeat, electronic type stuff. (The last track is more textural/less beat-oriented too). If you heard Golden Hour from way back in January you'll know what to expect.

The microtunings used include Wendy Carlos' Beta, 20-tet (Blackwood decatonic), 22-tet, and a moment of symmetry scale using 11/8 and 3/1 (can't remember how many notes to make the MOS...)

Download page:
To download tracks individually head straight to:

Thanks list!
