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Audio-Format Commonness Results

🔗Gary Morrison <MR88CET@TEXAS.NET>

3/25/2000 12:43:21 PM

It looks like the voting has dropped down to a trickle, so here are the results
of my survey on the commonness of good-quality compressed audio formats:

1. Do you have the ability to play MP3 files from a web page?
o Yes 20
o No 2
o Don't know 2
2. Do you have the ability to play Real Audio files from a web page?
o Yes 21
o No 1
o Don't know
3. What pretty-good-quality, compressed sound-file format do you believe that
the most people have the ability to listen to from their web browsers?
o Real Audio 8
o MP3 10
o Windows Streaming Media Player 2
o AIFF 1
o Don't know 5