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Mapping scales to Axis-49 with Scala

🔗John Moriarty <JlMoriart@...>

9/30/2010 4:09:34 PM

I recently downloaded scala and one thing I'm still trying to figure out is what information is contained in each type of file scala can produce, and what each is used for.
Seems like there are .scl .tun and .kbm files.

.scl files seem like the files describing the tunings, .tun files seem like what synths and keyboards can read, and .kbm are keyboard mapping files of steps in a scale to midi notes.

But it also seems like some synths can read .scl files, which is confusing. Does the mapping automatically happen linearly? And can .kbm files be combined with .scl files to create .tun files? Or is there another purposed for the mapping files?

It might help to know that my goal is to map different tunings isomorphically to this midi layout:
on an axis-49 from C-thru Music.


John M

🔗clumma <carl@...>

9/30/2010 4:39:06 PM

Hi John,

> I recently downloaded scala and one thing I'm still trying to
> figure out is what information is contained in each type of
> file scala can produce, and what each is used for.
> Seems like there are .scl .tun and .kbm files.
> .scl files seem like the files describing the tunings, .tun
> files seem like what synths and keyboards can read, and .kbm
> are keyboard mapping files of steps in a scale to midi notes.

I wouldn't use Scala to retune an Axis. I would use the
built-in tuning functions of my synths.

scl and kbm are native Scala formats, tun is an older format
that Scala supports. IIRC, tun files contain a list of
frequencies for all 128 notes on a MIDI channel.

scl files specify *intervals*, and these are tiled to consume
all available MIDI note numbers (therefore the last interval
in the file becomes the "interval of equivalence").

I haven't worked with kbm but as the name suggests, they let
you specify how the intervals in a scl file are mapped to
a keyboard.

> But it also seems like some synths can read .scl files, which
> is confusing. Does the mapping automatically happen linearly?

Yes, generally from middle C, which retains its A440/12-ET

> And can .kbm files be combined with .scl files to create .tun
> files?

Scala may try to produce a tun for a given scl and kbm
combination, since some synths only accept tun.


PS- Does this mean you're sending the rebate thingy to Chris?
<pants with anticipation>

🔗Chris Vaisvil <chrisvaisvil@...>

9/30/2010 5:03:15 PM

Oh wow! That would be great if your would John!!

> -Carl
> PS- Does this mean you're sending the rebate thingy to Chris?
> <pants with anticipation>

🔗Mike Battaglia <battaglia01@...>

9/30/2010 6:50:28 PM

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 6:39 PM, clumma <carl@...> wrote:
> PS- Does this mean you're sending the rebate thingy to Chris?
> <pants with anticipation>

I approve this message


🔗John Moriarty <JlMoriart@...>

9/30/2010 10:53:36 PM

> I wouldn't use Scala to retune an Axis. I would use the
> built-in tuning functions of my synths.

Do you mean of one's synths, or are you recommending your own? I do need to also look into which softsynth I'm going to use; are you saying there are synths that have built in tuning functions outside of reading scala files, or did I make it sound like I was going to be playing my axis through Scala?
If you have your own synths I'd definitely look into them. I've looked into Alchemy Player, though I don't know if I'm going to spend any money yet. Whatever will work best with retuning my axis-49 is what I'll shoot for. What other synths have the built in tuning functions?

> PS- Does this mean you're sending the rebate thingy to Chris?
> <pants with anticipation>

I'm confused, what prompted that? (>.>)
I sent you the email today, don't worry. You got to me first, and I'm a man of my word ;-)

> Oh wow! That would be great if you would John!!

Sorry Chris! I'd take a look at the reviews on the C-thru website (for which we received the discount) and contact anyone with a review up (if you are willing to beg =P). Maybe some of them don't have any plans for their discount credit?...


🔗Carl Lumma <carl@...>

9/30/2010 11:30:20 PM

John wrote:

> > I wouldn't use Scala to retune an Axis. I would use the
> > built-in tuning functions of my synths.
> Do you mean of one's synths, or are you recommending your own?

Your synths. You can't have mine! :P

> I do need to also look into which softsynth I'm going to use;
> are you saying there are synths that have built in tuning
> functions outside of reading scala files,


> or did I make it sound like I was going to be playing my axis
> through Scala?


> What other synths have the built in tuning functions?

The usual recommendations are pianoteq, z3ta+, Garritan
personal orchestra, but there are many many others.
Consult your synth manufacturer, or this page

or the MMM list.

> > PS- Does this mean you're sending the rebate thingy
> > to Chris? <pants with anticipation>
> I'm confused, what prompted that? (>.>)

Heh, I think I got confused. I was gonna send it to Chris,
not Chris to me!

> I sent you the email today, don't worry. You got to me first,
> and I'm a man of my word ;-)

Eep! Sorry, yes, Chris is now waiting on me. Always
pillage BEFORE burn, got it.


🔗Graham Breed <gbreed@...>

10/1/2010 5:34:11 AM

On 1 October 2010 03:09, John Moriarty <JlMoriart@...> wrote:

> But it also seems like some synths can read .scl files, which is confusing. Does the mapping automatically happen linearly? And can .kbm files be combined with .scl files to create .tun files? Or is there another purposed for the mapping files?

If you don't specify a .kbm file, the synth (or Scala) will use a
sensible mapping. I think the default for Scala is clinear.kbm, and
it's as Carl said, and also explains itself pretty well:

! Linear mapping with Middle C on standard frequency.
! Size:
! First MIDI note number to retune:
! Last MIDI note number to retune:
! Middle note where scale degree 0 is mapped to:
! Reference note for which frequency is given:
! Frequency to tune the above note to (floating point e.g. 440.0):
! Scale degree to consider as formal octave:


🔗John Moriarty <JlMoriart@...>

10/1/2010 6:09:37 PM

> If you don't specify a .kbm file, the synth (or Scala) will use a
> sensible mapping.

I think I might be getting a feel for things. Some synths read .tun files. They are an older standard. Others read .scl files, with which one has to specify a keyboard mapping through a .kbm file if one does not want a standard linear mapping. Is this right?
I don't know if it will matter much depending on whether I use scala files at all to remap my axis, but I definitely don't mind getting a good feel for this standard tuning tool.


🔗Carl Lumma <carl@...>

10/1/2010 6:39:52 PM

John wrote:

> I think I might be getting a feel for things. Some synths read
> .tun files. They are an older standard. Others read .scl files,
> with which one has to specify a keyboard mapping through a .kbm
> file if one does not want a standard linear mapping. Is this right?

Yes. Well, linear in note numbers. I don't know how they're
arranged on the Axis. -Carl