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Re: Digest Number 60


2/21/1999 8:00:17 AM

To Gary, I always thought (and taught) that the piano is a hybrid, part string
and part percussion.

Congratulations, Neil, on the grant, and for stirring up a genuine microtonal
community in Denver.

Daniel, if you ever sent me a response to my inquiry, could you resend it at
the new e-mail address: ?

Finally, my CD release part is scheduled for March 25th at CBGBs. It will be
available through Music Boulevard on the internet as released by Michael
Thorne and The Stereo Society. It is called Raven.

There is still some room on the May 23rd Microthon program (the centerpiece of
a week of NYC microtonality. There is a planned 2 hours for recorded music.
Here I will showcase Wendy Carlos and Jonathan Harvey, among others.

Those who can afford a week in NYC, May 20-27 would be an ideal one if you
want to catch something hot in musical sound.

Next year: an October 11th orchestra concert in all premieres at the New York
Society of Ethical Culture. It's great to be on the list again. Thanks Mark.

Johnny Reinhard