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Pitch (Hz) to Cent calculator

🔗Eduardo Sabat-Garibaldi <>

2/22/1999 12:36:52 PM

Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 13:03:45 +0100
Subject: software for pitch analysis
does anybody have a suggestion for Software for the following tasks:

2. Pitch (Hz) to Cent calculator
In base o this procedure it may make the Program.

1) Divide the given Hz by the Hz of the ocassional tonic, ( Let's say
440 ).
2) Make the LOG (10) of the result.
3) Multiply by 3986.3138. This result is the absolute Cents.
4a) If the result is major than 1200 rest 1200, and so on until the
result gives a quantity smaller than 1200 and major than 0. For this
variant 4a this is the Octaved final result.
4b) If the result is smaller than 0, add 1200, and so on until the
result gives a quantity major than 0. For this variant 4b this is the
Octaved final result.
