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D'oh! (was re: constant structure)

🔗Carl Lumma <CLUMMA@NNI.COM>

3/10/2000 6:35:54 AM

[I wrote...]
>>>I think that only MOS's with A/B = 1/2 (or 2/1) are non-CS (where A and
>>>B are the two types of 2nds). Like the 12-tet diatonic or my decatonic
>>>chain of 5/4's in 13-tet.
>>Fascinating if true . . .
>That one is by Chalmers.

Well, it wasn't quite by Chalmers. John gave that all MOS's which are proper but not strictly proper are of the form given above. That takes care of all proper non-CS MOSs, but...

[Manuel wrote...]
>No, a simple counterexample is 1 1 1 3.

I had forgotten about cases where the MOS was improper but still non-CS. Good work, Manuel. And sorry, John.
