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Nearly equal chords

🔗genewardsmith <genewardsmith@...>

7/16/2010 11:23:10 AM

Rick seems to be a passionate advocate for thr 4 equal chord as opposed to the 126/125 tempered (6/5)^3 (7/6) chord. But so far, no one has spoken up for the 3 equal chord in opposition to the 225/224 tempered (5/4)^2 (9/7) chord, or the 5 equal chord in opposition to the 1029/1024 tempered (8/7)^4 7/6 chord, what might be called your basic 3, 4, and 5 note nearly equal chords.

I note that:

meantone has both the 3 chord and the 4 chord
miracle has both the 3 chord and the 5 chord
valentine has both the 4 chord and the 5 chord
31et has all three kinds of chords

Meanwhile, 12 has both 3 equal and 4 equal, 15 has both 3 equal and 5 equal, 20 has both 4 equal and 5 equal, and 60 has then all. I think 31 is more impressive, bit 60 also boasts its own version of the (5/4)^2 (9/7) triad. It also does both magic and tritonic, with tritonoc giving loads of opportunities to suffer from the indignity pf listening to tritones which are not exactly sqrt(2).