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Frequency Tuner

🔗jackiejohns183 <jackiejohns183@...>

7/2/2010 1:28:05 PM


Really glad to find this group! I am just getting interested in using alternative tunings and have a question that I am having surprising trouble finding an answer to:

Is it possible to find a tuner, either as a computer plug-in or a physical tuner, which gives only the Hertz frequency reading? I am interested in recording separate notes off of an analog keyboard, tuning each pitch to the desired ratio, and then assigning the individual tones to keys on a midi keyboard (so reconstructing the analog keyboard as a just-intuned midi keyboard).

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!



🔗Chris Vaisvil <chrisvaisvil@...>

7/2/2010 2:06:32 PM

here you go.

I bought it sometime ago to assist my wife in learning violin.

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 4:28 PM, jackiejohns183 <jackiejohns183@...>wrote:

> Hello,
> Really glad to find this group! I am just getting interested in using
> alternative tunings and have a question that I am having surprising trouble
> finding an answer to:
> Is it possible to find a tuner, either as a computer plug-in or a physical
> tuner, which gives only the Hertz frequency reading? I am interested in
> recording separate notes off of an analog keyboard, tuning each pitch to the
> desired ratio, and then assigning the individual tones to keys on a midi
> keyboard (so reconstructing the analog keyboard as a just-intuned midi
> keyboard).
> Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
> thanks,
> jackie