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Aztec Scale

🔗John H. Chalmers <JHCHALMERS@...>

6/12/2010 6:46:34 PM

In addition to Harry Partch, I think Lou Harrison might have used something like an Aztec scale in the Nezahualcoyotl Fabrikas Piramidon movement of his Pacifika Rondo suite. Alas, neither are still alive to be asked..

Arturo Salinas told me that the double and triple flutes found in Mexico are pre-Aztec, and that their provenance is not well known. In other places I've read that melodic contour and rhythm were more important than exact pitch in MesoAmerican music, but I don't recall the source of this or how reliable it is.


🔗Jacques Dudon <fotosonix@...>

6/13/2010 2:21:20 PM

John Chalmers wrote :

> In addition to Harry Partch, I think Lou Harrison might have used
> something like an Aztec scale in the Nezahualcoyotl Fabrikas Piramidon
> movement of his Pacifika Rondo suite. Alas, neither are still alive to
> be asked..
> Arturo Salinas told me that the double and triple flutes found in > Mexico
> are pre-Aztec, and that their provenance is not well known. In other
> places I've read that melodic contour and rhythm were more important
> than exact pitch in MesoAmerican music, but I don't recall the > source of
> this or how reliable it is.
> --John

Dear John,
I wander on what bases such hypothesis can be advanced, and even learned musicologists say that of African music also.
From the clay flutes copies I've seen, the regular spacing of the holes indicated possible subharmonic scales, down to the chromatic range.
I've read also that globular flutes such as in whistling vessels could have been used as instruments to generate infrabass differential sounds and beats... why not ?? Were tibetan bowls used by the tibetan for sound healing as they are today, who knows ?
"In my humble imagination", subharmonic scales sound Aztec !
When everything is gone, inspired musicians - if possible microtonalists - is our only hope for reviving lost ancient music...
Years ago I heard precolombian-inspired microtonal music, I forgot the name of the musician but I thought it was very evocative.
May be someone here know about such trials ? and Lou Harrison or Harry Partch's Aztec scales ? I am curious to know about them !
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