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Congrats to Neil

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

2/18/1999 7:57:47 AM

>Wanted to let my tuning compadres know about some good fortune...I
>recently won the 1999Music Composition Artist Fellowship from the
>Colorado Council on the Arts...I submitted my "Acoustic Stick" CD, so
>microtones are moving into new territory here in Colorado. Because of
>the grant, I also received a website from the Council...check it out at
> plan on putting 100 artists
>on it eventually...I am going to get some new instruments built with the
>$$$, including a fretless synth guitar, and some sort of purely tuned
>axe as well...Hstick

Congratulations Neil! The web page looks really good! Good luck!