Hi All,
I've read some of you have been having problems getting RealAudio to work
so I thought I'd put a few notes on how to configure your browser to get it running.
RealPlayer in Netscape Communicator 4.0x:
1. From the Edit Menu, select Preferences
2. In the Preferences Dialog box, under Navigator, click on Applications
3. Scroll to locate "RealPlay File".
4. To highlight "RealPlay File", Click on edit.
5. Verify the following information:
Extensions: RA, RM, RAM
Mime-Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Handled by: RealPlay
6. Scroll to locate "RealPlayer(tm) as Plug-in"
7. To highlight "RealPlay File", Click on edit.
8. Verify the following information:
Extension: RPM
MIME Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
Handled By: Plugin
the RealPlayer in Netscape 3.0 is slightly different:
Choose General Preferences from the Options menu. Choose Helpers.
Select the item with the description audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin.
Click the Edit... button. A dialog box appears.
Enter the following information at the appropriate prompt:
Description: RealPlayer
Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
Suffix: rpm
Handle by: Check the "Plug in" box and select RealPlayer plugin.
Also select the item with the description audio/x-pn-realaudio
Description: RealAudio
Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Suffix: ra,rm,ram
Click the OK button.
If the above options don't exist, you should enter new type.
Netscape should now be configured to recognize the RealPlayer.
If you've got this far without crashing Netscape try listening to
my piece Space in the Mountains;
This piece was created using my tuning software I
developed during my Masters degree 1994-1997.
If anyone is interested I have a 1996 Australian Computer Music Association
article that outlines my compositional process at;
A more up to date description of my software which includes writing csound instruments
is still under way. This has specific details about the above piece in my thesis.
My compositions essentially follow a spectral tuning method.
Lecturer in Computer Music and Multimedia
NFRAM Web Administrator http://nfram.anu.edu.au/
Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology
Institute of The Arts, Australian National University