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off-topic nonsense

🔗Carl Lumma <carl@...>

5/7/2010 12:15:54 AM

There has been a flurry of off-topic posts this evening, mostly in response to trolls from Michael. I recommend you not respond to, or even read, his posts. But don't take my word for it. Have a look over the last two weeks of flame bait he's posted and ask yourself if it was worth it.


🔗Michael <djtrancendance@...>

5/7/2010 1:21:23 AM

>"There has been a flurry of off-topic posts this evening, mostly in response to trolls from Michael."

Well there you go...I start a topic and people veer off topic...and here I am being blamed for "trolling" for my attempts to get people back on topic. Yet you don't seem to understand what trolling is considering the situation...and here's an in fact very on-topic discussion I am introducing for those who don't know (perhaps including yourself): what is trolling?

Trolling involves making off-topic posts (like the ones made TO and not from me), setting a bait such as inflammatory messages and looking for a response IE someone doing something like clicking on a link to a malicious site or posting information that could ruin their reputation. An example of trolling is someone asking for personal information saying "You wussy! If you really aren't your picture to the 'macho men's club'" and then spreading the club list across the internet, making anyone who signed up look incredibly pompous.
Simply my being angry at people for going off-topic does not count...I did not make any inflammatory comments in a deliberate effort to set someone up for humiliation or exploitation.

Look at the definition

I was the one asking people to RETURN to the original topic...not one of the many veering things off topic. If anything I was the one being trolled!