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Interval Calculator version 6.1

🔗john777music <jfos777@...>

5/1/2010 2:29:43 PM

I fixed a minor error in the last version of the calculator. I discovered that my keyboard *has* to be connected to my Mac and be in PC mode *before* I launch my tuning program (the excellent Real Time Tuner by Wm. S. Cooper). If I launch the program first then the keyboard doesn't seem to behave as it should. In other words I had ruled out 12/7 before, but 12/7 now seems "good" again after proper testing when the keyboard was in the right mode.

Michael, if you're reading this and you still think 12/11 is good, just add 1.7377 to each result (this way 12/11 will have a positive result). The hierarchy of intervals is always the same no matter what values are returned.
