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UnTwelve/60x60 at the MCA--Tuesday, 4/27 @ 6pm

🔗Aaron Krister Johnson <aaron@...>

4/19/2010 12:26:15 PM


Hi all,

Just a reminder that our first ever event at the *Museum of Contemporary Art
in Chicago* is coming up a week from tomorrow, on *Tuesday, April 27th @
6pm.*This event is the season grand finale in the MCA's *Magical Musical
Showcase*, which always occurs on the fourth Tuesday of the month.

You will experience a very special event where UnTwelve is in collaboration
with *VoxNovus* from NYC; they are known in the music world as the producers
of *60x60*, the incredibly popular format of a 60-minute concert featuring
60 works by 60 composers, each work a minute or less. The miniatures we will
present will all be part of what we call the *UnTwelve Mix*--short works
with a focus of the novel beauty of tuning which escapes the rigid
boundaries of 12-tone equal temperament, and the use of microtones. All of
these works are compelling and worth hearing, including pulse pounding
music, gorgeous harmonies, dark and moody soundscapes, humorous vignettes,
and ecstatic dreamworlds.

We hope you will come out and taste this entertaining feast for the ears in
the MCA cafe!

See you there!

Aaron Krister Johnson and the UnTwelve crew.

P.S. VoxNovus can be found on the web at


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