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Scala seq file format question - tab positions / fixed spaces / one space is ok?

🔗cflliu <cflliu@...>

4/6/2010 3:31:36 AM

If Manuel you are reading, or if someone else can help:

I converted in Scala (on a Vista PC) a .mid file and changed only
the list of tempo changes, tried to convert it back to .mid, the
returned file is 0 byte in length.

Could it be I put only one space between each field:

nnnn<space>tempo<space>ttttt ?

The sequence file format page does not mention the requirements of
the spaces between fields.

I just started to use Scala, I did some years ago but found it difficult to use. It seem much changed and many features added. Great work. I know how difficult it is. Especially the use of pitch wheel when two or more notes sound at once in same channel.

Vista behave strange after install - the command display window could
not be resized, and the whole software shut down suddenly when I tried
a convert midi file (add pw) command. But it started working the next
day just when I thought I would give up.

In any case, great job. Look forward to trying all the other features.


🔗martinsj013 <martinsj@...>

4/6/2010 2:28:38 PM

--- In, "cflliu" <cflliu@...> wrote:
> If Manuel you are reading, or if someone else can help:
> I converted in Scala (on a Vista PC) a .mid file and changed only
> the list of tempo changes, tried to convert it back to .mid, the
> returned file is 0 byte in length.

I also have a question/comment on Scala, and I couldn't find a place to ask it - can anyone help?

re the one above, I don't believe the spacing of command lines is the problem, but I can't think of anything. My most common mistake is to forget to set the scale before doing the .seq -> .mid conversion, and that gives a MIDI file containing lots of C's, not a zero byte file.

Steve M.