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Accu-tuning for Accu-tuners

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

2/18/2000 9:21:16 PM

Sorry, didn't mean to step on anyone's tuning fork regarding the Sanderson
Accu-Tuner [Ed Foote TD 540:1]... It's the fault of the NY Times. They're
easy targets, anyway... There wasn't much written about it. How much does
such a unit cost?? And thanks, Clark, for your URL, and the Tunelab97. I
did look at the Website. I would *DEFINITELY* need a laptop, though.
Could you imagine the "klutz" who would schlepp his desktop around??


Joe Pehrson

Joseph Pehrson


2/19/2000 8:06:21 AM

<< the Sanderson

Accu-Tuner [Ed Foote TD 540:1]... It's the fault of the NY Times. They're

easy targets, anyway... There wasn't much written about it. How much does

such a unit cost??>>

fully loaded, these run about $1600. For a working tuner, it is a very
cheap piece of equipment, for others, it may be a little steep. I love mine.
Ed Foote