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Ottoman Early Music Show

🔗sphaerenklang <stringph@...>

2/7/2010 5:28:58 AM

By the way the BBC Radio 3 Early Music Show is having a Turkish/Ottoman weekend - yesterday Cantimir, today Sufis :


🔗Ozan Yarman <ozanyarman@...>

2/7/2010 3:55:32 PM

For those of you who would like to glean some insight into Kantemir's
treatise and how he specified Maqam music perdes, please refer to
pages 62-69 of my doctorate dissertation, available in the academic
studies section of my web page.


✩ ✩ ✩

On Feb 7, 2010, at 3:28 PM, sphaerenklang wrote:

> By the way the BBC Radio 3 Early Music Show is having a Turkish/
> Ottoman weekend - yesterday Cantimir, today Sufis :
> ~~~T~~~