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The BP JP canon

🔗Petr Pařízek <p.parizek@...>

2/3/2010 4:37:32 AM

Well, I'm not sure if Herman has something like this on his Warped Canon page ... Anyone ever heard this?


🔗Herman Miller <hmiller@...>

2/3/2010 7:14:54 PM

Petr Pa��zek wrote:
> Well, I'm not sure if Herman has something like this on his Warped Canon > page ... Anyone ever heard this?
> > Petr

I've seen that one before; it's not like the one on my Warped Canon page:

I use a 7-note scale (1/1 27/25 7/5 5/3 9/5 7/3 63/25), which could be a subset of the Dur I or Harmonic scales, while the YouTube video uses the Moll II scale (1/1 27/25 9/7 7/5 5/3 9/5 15/7 7/3 25/9).