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New Performance tool

🔗christopherv <chrisvaisvil@...>

12/26/2009 7:52:46 PM

Hi There,

I'm still working on this - but I wanted to share my progress.

OpenMPT can be driven by a midi device and allow you to play, and record, in alternate tunings, and then export your work in mp3 or wave format. This is really pretty easy to do. OpenMPT is a free open source project. The tuning capability is not well understood by most users so I'm working out the kinks.

Here is an example:

I recorded a short performance in 11 ET using a classical guitar "instrument" made from 4 classical guitar samples.

The saved format is a "module" which stores the midi-like data and the samples used for the performance.

The advantage is that it is free, samples are plentiful, and pretty easy to do, at least for one instrument. (so far)
