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dysfunctional harmony

🔗Carl Lumma <>

2/13/2000 3:12:04 PM

>Perhaps I'll state...

Roughly, I would say that the thing is not falsifiable, and not useful,
since any passage can be given a functional interpretation, and since I'm
not aware of any composer who has used the model (at least not directly) to
create music I enjoy. I never seen anything to suggest it reflects any
deep structure in music (as its presentation would imply). I view it as a
simple descriptive language, which may be reasonably compact when applied
to the music it was based on, but which I find useless for examples like
the ones I gave.

Once again, this is something I would find quite reasonable if it was
presented as a descriptive effort, but something which I find quite
laughable when presented as a constructive effort -- with the cock of a
chin, no less, in 4 out of 5 cases (in my experience).

That said, I am prepared to be corrected. In Berkeley I will once again be
near a library, and I will try to check out some Mathieu. I will post a
full retraction here if I like it.
