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The "shocking" electric guitar

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

2/13/2000 9:02:19 AM

[Dan Sterns TD 529:10]

>I honestly can't imagine any scenario in which these guitars
>*wouldn't* catch on... Guitar just seems to be in such a lull, or down
>time, that I would think anything this "new" and cool would be gobbled

This rather surprises me [and OK, so I *forgot* that AC-DC was a
rock(punk?) group..]

If people aren't "hooked" on (not literally, I hope) guitars right now,
what are they doing... just rappin' with one note again. GREAT PARADIGM --
it sure solves the "gravitational problem."

Frankly, although I made a living for 12 years as a professional pianist, I
am also now learning classical (until I "plug in") guitar, just to keep up
with the pack. Now I find the pack is running the other way. I hope,
sincerely, they don't have teeth!

Joseph Pehrson

🔗D.Stearns <>

2/13/2000 12:15:11 PM

[Joseph Pehrson:]
> If people aren't "hooked" on (not literally, I hope) guitars right
now, what are they doing...

Oh, it's still there of course... my meaning was more that it's
*usage* was in a rut, a lull, a down time... But you probably sniped
off the most realistic thing that I said:

>but what the hell do I know (NOT MUCH!).
