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Rothenberg, Rocky, Jarrett, and Dante

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

2/15/1999 7:39:11 AM

>> In 12tET's 5-limit diatonic . . .
>You lost me there.

The diatonic scale in 12tET.

>> . . . the key-minimal set is the
>> diminished triad.
>Can you please explain why more fully?

What's the least number of notes you can hear and know what key you're in?

>>Who would want it to send out just midi note numbers and have the
>>synthesizer handle the tuning?
>That's the way I always work.

Are they mutually exclusive?

>Havn't heard Jarrets but the one classical recording of his I heard (I
>think Bach) sounded like a jazz pianinst playing classical without the
>techniqual control one expects from a classical musician.

Well, I don't know about that, but judging from his French Suites his Bach
is terrible. My friend has a disc with Shosti's kid playing a few of the
preludes and fugues, as well as the first piano concerto. He played the
latter so well I wasn't in any shape to judge the former.

>I have hung an account of my current experiments in refretting a guitar:
>I would be most greatful for any feedback from the esteemed company here.

Looks real good! Do you like playing it? Did I miss a picture of it?
