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Re: Digest Number 516

🔗Gerald Eskelin <>

2/4/2000 11:27:24 PM

> Jerry? Were you able to play the sound files?

Yes, Christopher. I'm peddling as fast as I can to respond. You did great.


🔗Gerald Eskelin <>

2/4/2000 11:38:20 PM

To Christopher's post:

>>Finally I made two files with the ratio 12:14:18:21

Dave Keenan suggested:

> This can be called a "subminor seventh" chord since it has, from the root
> each time, a subminor third 6:7, a perfect fifth 2:3, and a subminor
> seventh 4:7. It could also be called a "subminor augmented 6th".

Wow! What a great contribution, Dave. I've been referring to the 6:7 third
in my music theory classes as the "dinky third," and that really has no
class at all. The term "subminor third" will allow me to regain my dignity
as a very cool professor of music. Many thanks.
