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trying to get the suitcase out from under the bed

🔗D.Stearns <>

2/4/2000 5:19:23 PM


I think I should have wrote something more like:

I was also scribbling away on the back of an envelope when I noticed
that when you take an overtone sequence as say h...2h-1, the undertone
sequence, i.e., 2h-1...h (or 2h...h+1 and h+1...2h) will also be the
superparticular ratios in the guise of a consecutive integer sequence
where their sum is e, i.e., n-tone equal temperament...

harmonics 2-4

(4) 3 2
0 3 5
0 720 1200

4 3 (2)
0 4 7
0 686 1200

har. 3-6

(6) 5 4 3
0 5 9 12
0 500 900 1200

6 5 4 (3)
0 6 11 15
0 480 880 1200

har. 4-8

(8) 7 6 5 4
0 7 13 18 22
0 382 709 982 1200

8 7 6 5 (4)
0 8 15 21 26
0 369 692 969 1200

