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Fwd: 12note Tuning Table Algorithms for 53tet.

🔗robert thomas martin <robertthomasmartin@...>

1/29/2009 9:01:23 AM

--- In, "robert thomas martin"
<robertthomasmartin@...> wrote:

53tet is an ancient and much respected solution to the tuning problem.
More info at:

Beginners who don't know very much about this temperament can use the
following musical algorithms to instantly produce 53tet music. A sound
device like the Kurzweil K2xxx series (or similar) together with a
interface and software that plays midi files is sufficient to achieve
good results.

Here is an algorithm where x = any interval in 53tet
and C = 22.64cents (or the 53tet comma):

C = zero cents
G = x
D = 2x
A = 3x
E = 4x-C
B = 5x-C
F# = 6x-C
C# = 7x-C
Ab = 8x-2C
Eb = 9x-2C
Bb = 10x-2c
F = 11x-2C

Multiples of 1200 are subtracted to bring all the results back to one

EXAMPLE: When x=702cents (actually 701.89) the tuning table becomes:

C = zero cents
G = 702
D = 204
A = 906
E = 385
B = 1087
F# = 589
C# = 91
Ab = 770
Eb = 272
Bb = 974
F = 475

A variation on this musical algorithm is to add +C and +2C rather than
subtract them.

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