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Re: Margo and Kraig

🔗Robert C Valentine <BVAL@...>

7/30/2001 12:02:07 AM

I get things in digest format and your two posts were one after another.
It makes for GREAT reading, I'll be printing it out and going over it mroe
carefully than many.

Kraig, when you speak about Indonesian music, do you have any recommnded
recordings? I have some random CDs of music from Bali and percussion
music from some "Island people". I'd love to have some recommendations
displaying the concepts you mentioned (quasi-ET not approximating JI,
modulation, addition of 'semitones' to create something more like
constant structures).

On a similar note, I was listenning to some Thai music and trying to
duplicate its tunings. It certainly did not seem like 7tet since the fifth
was very good. I tried a neutral scale in 31

4554445 (a non-MOS variation on 4545445)

which seemed to 'crumple' all the notes in the right places but I
was unable to produce the vibe I was hearing. What are the cents values
or names in the Scala archive of scales that may be close approximations?

Bob Valentine