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My online junk drawer

🔗Danny Wier <dawiertx@...>

7/22/2008 8:27:16 AM

Yesterday, I posted an unfinished composition on MMM, and them remembered I haven't put a link to my public file folder here on Tuning-L:

It doesn't have much, but I'm working on adding more, slowly. I also have a GeoCities homepage I started a decade ago, but it's sitting empty and inactive for now.

So far, I have two short microtonal compositions, both for 72-edo piano: "Nocturne in G" and "Waterloo Rag". The latter is only about halfway done now, but I'm hoping to have the complete version composed, sequenced and recorded by the end of the month. ("The Runaway Piano" is in 12-equal; it's something I wrote eleven years ago before I even knew what microtonal music was.)

Also, I have a cheap demonstration of how I write in 72-tone in HTML format, titled "Composing in 72 equal temp...". It's also a work in progress, not meant to be anything academic, so there may be errors. I may turn it into a book-length manifesto.

By the way, I don't write everything for solo piano. I play fretless bass in a rock/metal/funk/fusion style, and I should try to record a few solos/demonstrations. ~D.