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Science and the Progression of Musical Cells, the Piagui Scale

🔗piaguiscale <piagui@...>

7/14/2008 10:23:32 AM

There are sufficient reasons to believe that the smallest interval that
can be detected by the ear of man: (32805/32768) = 1.001129150... is
the link between science and music; it is named schisma (M). The basic
element of the Progression of Musical Cells is note Do = 1 followed by
the schisma which is cell number 1 of the 612 elements of the
progression that ends on 2Do = 2.
The interesting progression feature is that 37 tone frequencies of the
Pythagoras and Aristoxenus extended scales emerged together with all
the Piagui scale tone frequencies and the K and P semitone factors.
It is remarkable that the perfect fifths and fourths of any cell that
is obtained by multiplying the cell frequency by 1.5 or 1.33333....
reproduces other cell frequency values with exactness.
The set is expanded cyclically each (9/8)(1/2) = 1.0606601717...
The schisma M and the other two commas (J and U) work cyclically to
determine a theoretical infinite number of octaves.
The schisma M seems to be a natural constant that perfects harmony.