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Announcing the Making Microtonal Tools list

🔗Carl Lumma <carl@...>

7/7/2008 11:25:39 PM

Everyone is welcome. You don't need to do anything
special to join and start posting. At least I don't
think so (I'm relatively new to the Google Groups thing).

Google claims to have a permanent fixed-width font
mode for their lists, which I've enabled.

Here is the mission statement (completely open for
revision, as is everything else about the list):

"To drive the creation of software and hardware tools
that will facilitate bold new forms of music based on
microtonal music theory. Everyone is welcome.
Especially software engineers. :)"


🔗Mike Battaglia <battaglia01@...>

7/7/2008 11:55:25 PM

Indeed. For those of you that joined the MicroCompSuite list, go to
this one instead... Carl's got it all hooked up with Google Groups,
which looks to be better than Yahoo groups.
