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Rank 3 temperaments?

🔗Petr Pařízek <p.parizek@...>

6/5/2008 10:05:42 AM

Hi there,

Perhaps someone here could suggest a webpage discussing rank 3 temperaments?
I've been trying to find something like that for days. I've made some scales
recently and I'd like to know if I could call them rank 3 temperaments or
not. Thanks a lot in advance.


🔗Carl Lumma <carl@...>

6/5/2008 11:17:06 AM

--- In, Petr Paøízek <p.parizek@...> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Perhaps someone here could suggest a webpage discussing rank 3
> temperaments?
> I've been trying to find something like that for days. I've made
> some scales recently and I'd like to know if I could call them
> rank 3 temperaments or not. Thanks a lot in advance.
> Petr

If you can connect all the pitches in the tuning with r different
intervals, you have a rank-r temparement.

I'm not aware of much work on rank 3. On a few occasions there's
been talk of "hyper MOS" and stuff like that, and it was conjectured
such concepts may be linked to rank > 2 temperaments (just as MOS
is related to rank 2 temperaments).

Some of Gene's writing on temperaments is generalized wrt rank.
See for example:


🔗Herman Miller <hmiller@...>

6/5/2008 7:05:01 PM

Petr Pa��zek wrote:
> Hi there,
> > Perhaps someone here could suggest a webpage discussing rank 3 temperaments?
> I've been trying to find something like that for days. I've made some scales
> recently and I'd like to know if I could call them rank 3 temperaments or
> not. Thanks a lot in advance.
> > Petr

Any temperament that tempers out a 7-limit comma (like 126/125 or 4375/4374), if none of the exponents are zero, could be considered a rank 3 temperament. You could also use two 11-limit commas, three 13-limit commas, etc. The resulting temperament would have three generators -- typically one would be an octave and another can be set to a different consonant interval like 3/2 or 4/3. My original version of starling temperament had the octave, major and minor thirds as generators.

Two rank 3 temperaments that have had some discussion are marvel and starling. The easiest way to describe a tuning for temperaments like these is to specify a tuning for each of the prime intervals (2/1 3/1 5/1 7/1 11/1). Starling tempers out 126/125, and has a TOP tuning for the prime intervals as follows:

<1199.010636, 1900.386896, 2788.610946, 3366.048410]

Marvel tempers out 225/224 and 385/384, with a TOP tuning of the primes like this:

<1200.508704, 1901.148724, 2785.132538, 3370.019002, 4149.558115]

Somewhere I have a document with data for other rank 3 temperaments, which have names like Baldur, Odin, and Portent. It's been so long since these came up on tuning-math that I don't even know where to start searching.

🔗Graham Breed <gbreed@...>

6/5/2008 7:12:53 PM

Petr Pa��zek wrote:
> Hi there,
> > Perhaps someone here could suggest a webpage discussing rank 3 temperaments?
> I've been trying to find something like that for days. I've made some scales
> recently and I'd like to know if I could call them rank 3 temperaments or
> not. Thanks a lot in advance.

Sorry, there's no single resource. I was planning to write an article this year but the schedule's completely fallen by the wayside. Certainly you can call them rank 3 temperaments and the only contentious term is "temperament". I'd like to talk about "planar temperaments" but that term's in the dog house along with "linear temperaments".

I did discuss them with Gene on tuning-math. You can search the archives. The theory has advanced since then so it should be possible to search for them much faster. But I haven't even implemented those ideas let alone written them up fully. The basic algorithms are in

The rank 3 searches I have implemented should still be good enough to find the interesting temperament classes. You'll have to work out the Python code though

The main reason there hasn't been much progress is that the world in general hasn't shown much interest. Keyboards are naturally 2-dimensional beasts. You may use a rank 3 system for notation or as a harmonic lattice but there's no particular need to compare it to other rank 3 systems.

Still, some systems that have come up (and Gene probably gave names):

- Tempering out 225:224 from 7-limit JI. This is the union of a lot of common temperament classes. It could be applied using a kcyboard or system of notation designed for 5-limit JI. It's essentially what my tripod notation (also not written up) is based around.

- Tempering out 2401:2400 from 7-limit JI. Gets you very close to JI. The 7-limit neutral thirds lattices I use for miracle temperament generalize to this rank 3 class. The searches Gene and I have done confirm that it's an optimal rank3 temperament FWIW. You can also extended into the 11-limit by associating 11:9 with the neutral thirds. It's far less accurate but still a stand-out system.

- Using miracle temperament with an additional accidental to show the difference between 21:16 and 13:10, for example. This came up as an optimal 13-limit system on some search I did.

- There are other interesting notations you can get by starting with schismatic (which is a simple chain of fifths) and adding an accidental for the 7- and 11-limits.
