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20-tone equal temperament

🔗daniel_anthony_stearns <daniel_anthony_stearns@...>

5/30/2008 2:51:44 PM

For anyone who might be interested, there are a few ancient rough and
tumble examples/demos up here featuring my 20-tone equal temperament
guitar :

These bits have been up and down a hundred times before, and they are
really just trash.....utter useless junk, complete throwaway stuff
just pretending to give a little bit of an idea of what's potentially
possible.....but sometimes, even that's more than what's out there
now.Anyway, unlike some tunings, say 24-tone equal temperament which
retains the familiar 12-tone equal temperament, or tunings like 19 or
31-tone equal temperament which are all but 1/3 and 1/4 comma
meantone tunings, 20-tone equal temperament couldn't be much further
from either "the familiar" or the "common practice". As a matter-of-
fact, it was the dueling pairs of distorted fifths and maj thirds as
well as the inclusion of the exotic, Javanese like 5-tone equal
temperament that initially led me to try this tuning. A couple of
curious byproduct of this tuning on a guitar has the unique ability
to tune the open strings exclusively in fourths (at 2/5ths of an
octave) and still retain the traditional EADGBE arrangement--so in
cents this would be 420, 900, 180, 660, 1140 and back to E at 420
again. It also contains a beautifully odd diatonic scale which by
rotation utilizes every interval in the tuning, a trait shared with
12-tet but very unusual in such a large-numbered tuning.

🔗Herman Miller <hmiller@...>

5/30/2008 8:36:37 PM

daniel_anthony_stearns wrote:
> For anyone who might be interested, there are a few ancient rough and > tumble examples/demos up here featuring my 20-tone equal temperament > guitar :
> >
> > These bits have been up and down a hundred times before, and they are > really just trash.....utter useless junk, complete throwaway stuff > just pretending to give a little bit of an idea of what's potentially > possible.....but sometimes, even that's more than what's out there > now.

They may have been up before, but a few of them are new to me (I know I've listened to some of your 20-ET examples before). I think 20-ET is one of the underrated tunings that has a lot of potential -- Easley Blackwood's 20-ET etude is one of my favorites from that set.

All I've got in 20-ET is this thing I wrote back in 1999 which I've mentioned a few times already, but might not be familiar to some of the newer members. (It uses MIDI pitch bends, which a few MIDI players might not perform as intended, but it works with the ones that I've tried.)

🔗hstraub64 <straub@...>

6/3/2008 1:12:30 AM

--- In, "daniel_anthony_stearns"
<daniel_anthony_stearns@...> wrote:
> For anyone who might be interested, there are a few ancient rough
> and tumble examples/demos up here featuring my 20-tone equal
> temperament guitar :

I would like to include these in the xenharmonic wiki!
There is just one thing I have noticed - maybe this should be
discussed: repeatedly links to you were added to the wiki and then
deleted again - in, for
example. Was it you who deleted these - i.e. do you not wish links to
you to be there - or was is some other person?
Hans Straub