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Re: critique

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

2/11/1999 6:14:18 AM

>To the extent that I am interested in reading about or hearing someone
>attempt to describe a piece of music, someone telling me it sucks gives me
>essentially no information, since what many people think sucks I find

It does as much as any one word can do, since what many people find
anything you may find anything else. I disagree that discussing forms and
devices and techniques somehow objectifies music critique. This is just a
vocabulary that helps identify things to talk about.

And for basic vocabulary, we have...

Opinion: what you give when you can't give a measurement
Criticism: the art of being wrong in 20 years
Analyze: to look at something rather than listen to it (Analears)
Evaluate: to determine significance or worth (to you)
Criteria: a standard on which a judgment may be based
